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B. Jones The Children of Separation0

John Gray Park: A Fantastic Story (Carcanet collection)0
Roger Scruton Fortnight's Anger (Carcanet Collection)0

Abdelhak Serhane Messaouda: translated from the French by Mark Thompson. (Hardcover)0
Abdelhak Serhane Messaouda0
Pier Paolo Pasolini The Ragazzi0
Orhan Pamuk White Castle0
Clarice Lispector The Hour of the Star0
Vikram Seth The Humble Administrator's Garden0
Leonardo Sciascia Death of an Inquisitor and Other Stories0
Edwin Morgan New Selected Poems (Poetry Pleiade)0
Izaak Walton Izaak Walton: Selected Writings (Fyfield Books)0
Thomas Wyatt Selected Poems0
Paul O'Prey Robert Graves: Collected Writings on Poetry (Robert Graves Programme: Lives & Letters)0
Ralph Russell Hidden in the Lute: An Anthology of Two Centuries of Urdu Literature0
Giacomo Leopardi The Canti: With a Selection of His Prose0
Roger Scruton The Philosopher on Dover Beach0
John Gallas Practical Anarchy0
Gabriel Josipovici In the Fertile Land0
Pier Paolo Pasolini The Ragazzi0
Charles Peguy The Mystery of the Charity of Joan of Arc0
A. D. Hope Selected Poems (Poetry signatures)0
George Holbert Tucker A Goodly Heritage: A History of Jane Austen's Family0
Marcel Schwob The King in the Golden Mask and Other Writings0
Robert Garioch Collected Poems0
Iain Crichton Smith Selected Stories0
Roberto Calasso The Ruin of Kasch0
John Cowper Powys Three Fantasies0
Selected Writings: Astrophil and Stella, the Defense of Poesy and Miscellanious Poems (Fyfield Books) by Sidney, Philip, Sir (1987) Paperback0
Ernesto y 1st UK edition by Saba, Umberto (1987) Hardcover0
Umberto Saba Ernesto by Umberto Saba (1987-05-30)0
Sir Sidney Philip Selected Writings: Astrophil and Stella, the Defense of Poesy and Miscellanious Poems (Fyfield Books) by Philip, Sir Sidney (1987-05-01)0
Laura (Riding) Jackson Essays from Epilogue 1935-1937 (Lives & letters: the Millennium Graves)0
Christopher Middleton The World Pavilion: New and Selected Poems (Poetry pleiade)0
Lorna Goodison Guinea Woman: New and Selected Poems (Poetry pliade)0
William Cowper The Centenary Letters0
Hugh Latimer The Sermons (Fyfield Books)0
Alison Brackenbury After Beethoven0
Elaine Feinstein Gold0
Ivor Gurney Rewards of Wonder: Poems of Cotswold, France, London (Fyfield Books)0
John Clare A Champion for the Poor: Political Verse and Prose (Fyfield Books)0
Robert Nye Collected Poems0
Sujata Bhatt Augatora0
C. H. Sisson Collected Poems (Poetry Pleiade)0
Giacomo Leopardi The Canti With a Selection of His Prose: With a Selection of His Prose (Centenary Edition)0
Christopher Middleton Faint Harps and Silver Voices: Selected Translations (Poetry pleiade)0
Ford Madox Ford Ford Madox Ford: Selected Poems (Poetry Pleiade)0
Hildi Hawkins On the Border: An Anthology (Lives & letters: a celebration of Finland)0
John Riley What I Own: Versions of Holderin and Mandelshtam0
Beryl Graves The Complete Poems (Graves, Robert, Selections.)0


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