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Recommendations for: EugeniaGiaimo (Italia)

William P. Young The Shack 6
Stephenie Meyer Eclipse (Twilight, Book 3) 4
E.L. James Cinquanta sfumature di nero (Omnibus) 3
Barbara Ehrenreich Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting By in America 1
Stephenie Meyer New Moon 14
J.K. Rowling Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (Book 6) 1
Suzanne Collins Catching Fire (The Second Book of the Hunger Games) 1
J.K. Rowling Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (Book 5) 1
Lauren Kate Fallen 1
Rhonda Byrne The Secret 3
Charlaine Harris Club Dead (Southern Vampire Mysteries, Book 3) 3
J. K. Rowling Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (Book 6) 1
Stephenie Meyer Eclipse 9
E. L. James Cinquanta sfumature di grigio (Omnibus) 4
La guerra degli elfi Herbie Brennan 1
Suzanne Collins The Hunger Games: Book 1 (The Hunger Games Trilogy) 3
Greg Mortenson Three Cups of Tea: One Man's Mission to Promote Peace . . . One School at a Time 2
Robert L. Stevenson Lo strano caso del Dr. Jekyll e Mr. Hyde. Ediz. integrale 2
Bernard Werber Les Fourmis 1
Anne Enright The Gathering 1