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Points analysis

Name: Gin (Italia)
User ID: themightygin
Points: 0

Before Change After Description Book Member Date
0.8 -0.8 0 account closed Gin (Italia) 2023/07/10
0.9 -0.1 0.8 removed book from inventory 0735223491 Gin (Italia) 2023/07/10
1 -0.1 0.9 removed book from inventory BM1485740113319305055 Gin (Italia) 2023/07/10
1.1 -0.1 1 removed book from inventory 8804685085 Gin (Italia) 2023/07/10
1.2 -0.1 1.1 removed book from inventory 3596904056 Gin (Italia) 2023/07/10
1.3 -0.1 1.2 removed book from inventory 3770518861 Gin (Italia) 2023/07/10
1.4 -0.1 1.3 removed book from inventory 3596294428 Gin (Italia) 2023/07/10
1.5 -0.1 1.4 removed book from inventory 0857202936 Gin (Italia) 2023/07/10
1.6 -0.1 1.5 removed book from inventory 0007198906 Gin (Italia) 2023/07/10
1.7 -0.1 1.6 removed book from inventory B0086FU3R6 Gin (Italia) 2023/07/10
1.8 -0.1 1.7 removed book from inventory 3596191750 Gin (Italia) 2023/07/10
1.9 -0.1 1.8 removed book from inventory B00X4XI6WE Gin (Italia) 2023/07/10
2 -0.1 1.9 removed book from inventory 8860431085 Gin (Italia) 2023/07/10
3 -1 2 mooch cancelled by requestor 0735223491 Monica (Italy) 2022/09/06
2 +1 3 gave points for mooch request 0735223491 Monica (Italy) 2022/05/14
1 +1 2 lost in the mail says book owner 8833924955 elisa (Italy) 2022/03/29
2 -1 1 mooch cancelled by requestor 0735223491 midnightflower (Italy) 2022/03/14
1 +1 2 gave points for mooch request 0735223491 midnightflower (Italy) 2022/03/05
0 +1 1 mooch cancelled by requestor 9788846208552 lucilla67 (Italy) 2022/02/01
1 -1 0 mooch cancelled by requestor BM1485740113319305055 cristina (Italia) 2022/01/13
0 +1 1 gave points for mooch request BM1485740113319305055 cristina (Italia) 2021/12/29
1 -1 0 deducted points for mooch request 9788846208552 lucilla67 (Italy) 2021/12/28
0.9 +0.1 1 added book to inventory 8804685085 Gin (Italia) 2021/12/28
0.8 +0.1 0.9 added book to inventory 3596904056 Gin (Italia) 2021/12/28
0.7 +0.1 0.8 added book to inventory 3770518861 Gin (Italia) 2021/12/28
0.6 +0.1 0.7 added book to inventory 3596294428 Gin (Italia) 2021/12/28
0.5 +0.1 0.6 added book to inventory 0857202936 Gin (Italia) 2021/12/28
0.4 +0.1 0.5 added book to inventory 0007198906 Gin (Italia) 2021/12/28
0.3 +0.1 0.4 added book to inventory 0735223491 Gin (Italia) 2021/12/28
0.2 +0.1 0.3 added book to inventory B0086FU3R6 Gin (Italia) 2021/12/28
0.1 +0.1 0.2 added book to inventory 3596191750 Gin (Italia) 2021/12/28
0 +0.1 0.1 added book to inventory BM1485740113319305055 Gin (Italia) 2021/12/28
-0.1 +0.1 0 added book to inventory B00X4XI6WE Gin (Italia) 2021/12/28
-0.2 +0.1 -0.1 added book to inventory 8860431085 Gin (Italia) 2021/12/28
-0.1 -0.1 -0.2 removed book from inventory B0086FU3R6 Gin (Italia) 2021/12/28
0 -0.1 -0.1 removed book from inventory 8860431085 Gin (Italia) 2021/12/28
1 -1 0 mooch cancelled by requestor B0086FU3R6 riccardo g (Italia) 2021/12/21
0 +1 1 gave points for mooch request B0086FU3R6 riccardo g (Italia) 2021/12/05
1 -1 0 mooch cancelled by requestor 8860431085 cristina (Italia) 2021/11/11
0 +1 1 gave points for mooch request 8860431085 cristina (Italia) 2021/11/11
1 -1 0 deducted points for mooch request 8833924955 elisa (Italy) 2021/11/09
0.9 +0.1 1 added book to inventory B0086FU3R6 Gin (Italia) 2021/11/09
0.8 +0.1 0.9 added book to inventory 8860431085 Gin (Italia) 2021/11/08
-0.2 +1 0.8 mooch cancelled by requestor 8807819686 Sara Youssef (Italia) 2021/10/19
-0.1 -0.1 -0.2 removed book from inventory 8860431085 Gin (Italia) 2021/10/01
0 -0.1 -0.1 removed book from inventory 8402034195 Gin (Italia) 2021/10/01
1 -1 0 deducted points for mooch request 8807819686 Sara Youssef (Italia) 2021/10/01
0.9 +0.1 1 added book to inventory 8402034195 Gin (Italia) 2021/08/16
0.8 +0.1 0.9 added book to inventory 8860431085 Gin (Italia) 2021/08/16
0.9 -0.1 0.8 removed book from inventory 8860431085 Gin (Italia) 2021/06/23