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Points analysis

Name: ReadMyBooks (USA: MA)
User ID: readmybooks
Points: 64

Before Change After Description Book Member Date
63 +1 64 gave points for mooch request BM1700174634754449823 carol adams (USA: PA) 2023/12/29
64 -1 63 deducted points for mooch request 0061994936 ChrisB (USA: MN) 2023/12/23
63.9 +0.1 64 added book to inventory BM1700174634754449823 ReadMyBooks (USA: MA) 2023/11/16
64.9 -1 63.9 deducted points for mooch request 1786812053 Lynn (USA: OH) 2023/10/17
65.9 -1 64.9 deducted points for mooch request 1101967072 msjane (USA: CA) 2023/08/03
64.9 +1 65.9 gave points for mooch request 1250059518 coreymesler (USA: TN) 2023/06/26
64.8 +0.1 64.9 added book to inventory 1250059518 ReadMyBooks (USA: MA) 2023/06/25
64.7 +0.1 64.8 added book to inventory BM1686230022371255181 ReadMyBooks (USA: MA) 2023/06/08
65.7 -1 64.7 deducted points for mooch request 1250059518 Jack Harrison (USA: TX) 2023/05/22
64.7 +1 65.7 mooch rejected by book owner 1857987101 Caroline (USA: HI) 2023/04/19
65.7 -1 64.7 deducted points for mooch request 1857987101 Caroline (USA: HI) 2023/03/02
66.7 -1 65.7 deducted points for mooch request 0387987010 Marj (USA: WA) 2022/06/25
67.7 -1 66.7 deducted points for mooch request 0747267227 Helen Geng (USA: NY) 2022/06/01
68.7 -1 67.7 deducted points for mooch request 1451672764 Linda C (USA: NY) 2022/05/30
69.7 -1 68.7 deducted points for mooch request 9780553392791 Diane (USA: NH) 2021/12/08
70.7 -1 69.7 deducted points for mooch request 031638206X Leslie D. (USA: CT) 2021/11/21
70.6 +0.1 70.7 added book to inventory BM1634496671234912479 ReadMyBooks (USA: MA) 2021/10/17
70.5 +0.1 70.6 added book to inventory BM163449662826468962 ReadMyBooks (USA: MA) 2021/10/17
70.4 +0.1 70.5 added book to inventory BM1634496579974774164 ReadMyBooks (USA: MA) 2021/10/17
70.5 -0.1 70.4 removed book from inventory 0385494505 ReadMyBooks (USA: MA) 2021/10/12
70.6 -0.1 70.5 removed book from inventory 0470560541 ReadMyBooks (USA: MA) 2021/10/12
70.7 -0.1 70.6 removed book from inventory 1591843987 ReadMyBooks (USA: MA) 2021/10/12
70.8 -0.1 70.7 removed book from inventory 0399592881 ReadMyBooks (USA: MA) 2021/10/12
70.9 -0.1 70.8 removed book from inventory 0062203835 ReadMyBooks (USA: MA) 2021/10/12
71 -0.1 70.9 removed book from inventory 0743464680 ReadMyBooks (USA: MA) 2021/10/12
71.1 -0.1 71 removed book from inventory 0743496957 ReadMyBooks (USA: MA) 2021/10/12
71.2 -0.1 71.1 removed book from inventory 0061014788 ReadMyBooks (USA: MA) 2021/10/12
71.3 -0.1 71.2 removed book from inventory 0425233294 ReadMyBooks (USA: MA) 2021/10/12
71.4 -0.1 71.3 removed book from inventory 0373777795 ReadMyBooks (USA: MA) 2021/10/12
71.5 -0.1 71.4 removed book from inventory 0373776950 ReadMyBooks (USA: MA) 2021/10/12
71.6 -0.1 71.5 removed book from inventory 9780373775712 ReadMyBooks (USA: MA) 2021/10/12
71.7 -0.1 71.6 removed book from inventory 0373775822 ReadMyBooks (USA: MA) 2021/10/12
71.8 -0.1 71.7 removed book from inventory 0312318367 ReadMyBooks (USA: MA) 2021/10/12
71.9 -0.1 71.8 removed book from inventory 0312925778 ReadMyBooks (USA: MA) 2021/10/12
72 -0.1 71.9 removed book from inventory 0312360495 ReadMyBooks (USA: MA) 2021/10/12
71 +1 72 gave points for mooch request 9780991243563 Dawn Phillips (USA: MA) 2021/07/13
72 -1 71 deducted points for mooch request 1781080569 Kerry (USA: CA) 2021/07/10
71 +1 72 gave points for mooch request 0743463552 Ellen (USA: NY) 2021/07/09
70 +1 71 gave points for mooch request 9781501128035 Bel Gan (USA: MN) 2021/03/06
71 -1 70 gave a smooch Yvonne (USA: VA) 2021/03/04
70 +1 71 gave points for mooch request 0345351754 Yvonne (USA: VA) 2021/03/03
69 +1 70 gave points for mooch request 0765382164 Yvonne (USA: VA) 2021/03/03
68 +1 69 gave points for mooch request 1250313783 Yvonne (USA: VA) 2021/03/03
67 +1 68 gave points for mooch request BM1614719437751637187 Yvonne (USA: VA) 2021/03/03
66 +1 67 gave points for mooch request BM1614719508641043231 Yvonne (USA: VA) 2021/03/03
65.9 +0.1 66 added book to inventory 9780991243563 ReadMyBooks (USA: MA) 2021/03/02
65.8 +0.1 65.9 added book to inventory 9781501128035 ReadMyBooks (USA: MA) 2021/03/02
65.7 +0.1 65.8 added book to inventory BM1614719508641043231 ReadMyBooks (USA: MA) 2021/03/02
65.6 +0.1 65.7 added book to inventory BM1614719437751637187 ReadMyBooks (USA: MA) 2021/03/02
66.6 -1 65.6 deducted points for mooch request 0062188364 Alyssa (USA: TN) 2021/01/01