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Points analysis

Name: MelanieL (Canada)
User ID: melaniel
Points: 49.2

Before Change After Description Book Member Date
52.2 -3 49.2 deducted points for mooch request 0552772550 Olivia (United Kingdom) 2018/12/09
55.2 -3 52.2 deducted points for mooch request 0340733292 ameliamillie (United Kingdom) 2018/12/03
54.2 +1 55.2 gave points for mooch request 1551924765 Heather Hamelin (Canada) 2018/11/07
53.2 +1 54.2 gave points for mooch request 1896095542 Heather Hamelin (Canada) 2018/11/07
52.2 +1 53.2 gave points for mooch request 189609595X Heather Hamelin (Canada) 2018/11/07
52.1 +0.1 52.2 added book to inventory 9780061785658 MelanieL (Canada) 2016/09/11
52 +0.1 52.1 added book to inventory 0786021381 MelanieL (Canada) 2016/09/11
51.9 +0.1 52 added book to inventory B0072B0GAY MelanieL (Canada) 2016/09/11
49.9 +2 51.9 mooch cancelled by requestor 0375708111 Rosalina Cowels Lacap (USA: NJ) 2013/02/12
52.9 -3 49.9 deducted points for mooch request 0802111165 Ann Zimrin (USA: MD) 2012/11/25
49.9 +3 52.9 gave points for mooch request 1903650267 Claire (Australia) 2011/01/12
47.9 +2 49.9 mooch rejected by book owner 1904159923 Ben (United Kingdom) 2010/12/08
47.8 +0.1 47.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0552997048 Sam Tait (United Kingdom) 2010/11/19
49.8 -2 47.8 deducted points for mooch request 0552997048 Sam Tait (United Kingdom) 2010/09/29
51.8 -2 49.8 deducted points for mooch request 1904159923 Ben (United Kingdom) 2010/08/24
51.7 +0.1 51.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0297855557 Kate Parker (Australia) 2010/08/07
53.7 -2 51.7 deducted points for mooch request 0375708111 Rosalina Cowels Lacap (USA: NJ) 2010/08/02
53.6 +0.1 53.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0375412883 Brontide Rob (USA: CA) 2010/08/02
52.6 +1 53.6 gave points for mooch request 0676977162 Robin (Canada) 2010/07/28
54.6 -2 52.6 deducted points for mooch request 0375412883 Brontide Rob (USA: CA) 2010/07/09
53.6 +1 54.6 received a smooch michelle (Canada) 2010/06/24
53.5 +0.1 53.6 added book to inventory 2012403085 MelanieL (Canada) 2010/06/21
53.4 +0.1 53.5 added book to inventory 2068513013 MelanieL (Canada) 2010/06/21
55.4 -2 53.4 deducted points for mooch request 0297855557 Kate Parker (Australia) 2010/05/06
54.4 +1 55.4 gave points for mooch request 2922145883 Isabelle (Canada) 2010/04/13
54.3 +0.1 54.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0143034901 Stephanie (Canada) 2010/03/22
55.3 -1 54.3 deducted points for mooch request 0143034901 Stephanie (Canada) 2010/03/06
52.3 +3 55.3 gave points for mooch request 0752884913 Rakel (Portugal) 2010/02/19
51.3 +1 52.3 gave points for mooch request 0156008661 michelle (Canada) 2010/02/19
50.3 +1 51.3 gave points for mooch request 0676978169 michelle (Canada) 2010/02/19
53.3 -3 50.3 mooch cancelled by requestor 0676978169 Terri (USA: MD) 2010/02/18
56.3 -3 53.3 mooch cancelled by requestor 0752884913 Jennifer (USA: CA) 2010/02/10
56.4 -0.1 56.3 removed book from inventory 0345479726 MelanieL (Canada) 2010/01/27
56.3 +0.1 56.4 added book to inventory 0345479726 MelanieL (Canada) 2010/01/27
56.2 +0.1 56.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1400077087 cmmonks (USA: WA) 2010/01/27
56.1 +0.1 56.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 034911868X Schwan (Germany) 2010/01/14
58.1 -2 56.1 deducted points for mooch request 1400077087 cmmonks (USA: WA) 2010/01/13
55.1 +3 58.1 gave points for mooch request 0676977731 melissaconrad (USA: CO) 2010/01/08
56.1 -1 55.1 mooch cancelled by requestor 0676977731 michelle (Canada) 2010/01/06
53.1 +3 56.1 gave points for mooch request 0441014992 Philippe Schnoebelen (France) 2010/01/06
55.1 -2 53.1 deducted points for mooch request 034911868X Schwan (Germany) 2010/01/05
55.2 -0.1 55.1 removed book from inventory 1848372086 MelanieL (Canada) 2010/01/05
52.2 +3 55.2 gave points for mooch request 031237593X lechatquidors (Singapore) 2010/01/05
49.2 +3 52.2 gave points for mooch request 0676978169 Terri (USA: MD) 2010/01/05
48.2 +1 49.2 gave points for mooch request 031214590X michelle (Canada) 2010/01/05
47.2 +1 48.2 gave points for mooch request 0670044407 michelle (Canada) 2010/01/05
46.2 +1 47.2 gave points for mooch request 0676977731 michelle (Canada) 2010/01/05
43.2 +3 46.2 gave points for mooch request 1894917022 Providence (United Kingdom) 2010/01/05
40.2 +3 43.2 gave points for mooch request 0929141946 Providence (United Kingdom) 2010/01/05
37.2 +3 40.2 gave points for mooch request 0312874006 Rena (Israel) 2010/01/05