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Points analysis

Name: marrie (USA: TN)
User ID: marrie
Points: 43.4

Before Change After Description Book Member Date
46.3 -1 45.3 deducted points for mooch request 0373264305 kathleen (USA: NY) 2017/04/30
47.3 -1 46.3 deducted points for mooch request 1416532129 kathleen (USA: NY) 2017/04/30
46.3 +1 47.3 gave points for mooch request 1785770527 kathleen (USA: NY) 2017/04/30
46.2 +0.1 46.3 added book to inventory 0399170871 marrie (USA: TN) 2017/04/30
46.1 +0.1 46.2 added book to inventory 1420111949 marrie (USA: TN) 2017/04/30
46 +0.1 46.1 added book to inventory 1785770527 marrie (USA: TN) 2017/04/30
45 +1 46 gave points for mooch request 0778319458 ChristyCapps (USA: TX) 2017/04/30
44 +1 45 gave points for mooch request 0515138622 Sue Taber (USA: KS) 2017/04/28
43.9 +0.1 44 added book to inventory 0060574879 marrie (USA: TN) 2017/04/05
44.9 -1 43.9 deducted points for mooch request 0553586068 Nick (USA: NJ) 2017/03/16
45.9 -1 44.9 deducted points for mooch request 0842360565 Amy (USA: IL) 2017/03/16
46.9 -1 45.9 deducted points for mooch request 0553803239 Amy (USA: IL) 2017/03/16
47.9 -1 46.9 deducted points for mooch request 1551667118 Amy (USA: IL) 2017/03/16
47.8 +0.1 47.9 added book to inventory 0553280341 marrie (USA: TN) 2017/03/13
48.8 -1 47.8 deducted points for mooch request 0553586084 Marie (USA: AZ) 2017/03/04
47.8 +1 48.8 gave points for mooch request 0553588591 Carole (USA: NY) 2017/03/03
46.8 +1 47.8 gave points for mooch request 0062019899 Anne Moore (USA: MI) 2017/02/18
45.8 +1 46.8 gave points for mooch request 0399138781 Miss Daisy (USA: TX) 2017/02/17
44.8 +1 45.8 gave points for mooch request 0553393731 Rita (USA: ID) 2017/02/14
43.8 +1 44.8 gave points for mooch request 0345540859 Ann Zimrin (USA: MD) 2017/02/14
43.7 +0.1 43.8 added book to inventory 0553393731 marrie (USA: TN) 2017/02/13
43.6 +0.1 43.7 added book to inventory 0345540859 marrie (USA: TN) 2017/02/13
43.5 +0.1 43.6 added book to inventory 0805463593 marrie (USA: TN) 2017/02/10
42.5 +1 43.5 gave points for mooch request 0778325881 robbie (USA: IN) 2017/01/20
42.4 +0.1 42.5 added book to inventory 0778325881 marrie (USA: TN) 2017/01/19
41.4 +1 42.4 gave points for mooch request 0671034251 minda4768 (USA: PA) 2017/01/15
40.4 +1 41.4 gave points for mooch request 0671899619 minda4768 (USA: PA) 2017/01/15
39.4 +1 40.4 gave points for mooch request 044020626X Melissa (USA: NY) 2017/01/08
40.4 -1 39.4 deducted points for mooch request 1476792577 Sue (USA: IN) 2017/01/07
39.4 +1 40.4 gave points for mooch request 1439194718 Tiz Cooley (USA: NY) 2017/01/01
38.4 +1 39.4 gave points for mooch request 0399152113 Judy Morse (USA: ME) 2016/12/28
37.4 +1 38.4 gave points for mooch request 1452101280 susan (USA) 2016/12/26
37.3 +0.1 37.4 added book to inventory 1452101280 marrie (USA: TN) 2016/12/26
37.2 +0.1 37.3 added book to inventory 0399152113 marrie (USA: TN) 2016/12/25
36.2 +1 37.2 gave points for mooch request 1250010411 PAT (USA: SC) 2016/12/21
36.1 +0.1 36.2 added book to inventory 1250010411 marrie (USA: TN) 2016/12/19
36 +0.1 36.1 added book to inventory 0671899619 marrie (USA: TN) 2016/12/12
37 -1 36 deducted points for mooch request 1455511463 ChrisP (USA: NY) 2016/12/12
36.9 +0.1 37 added book to inventory 1439194718 marrie (USA: TN) 2016/12/10
36.8 +0.1 36.9 added book to inventory 0671034251 marrie (USA: TN) 2016/12/10
35.8 +1 36.8 gave points for mooch request 0778324044 Kimmie (USA: PA) 2016/12/08
35.7 +0.1 35.8 added book to inventory 0778319458 marrie (USA: TN) 2016/12/02
36.7 -1 35.7 deducted points for mooch request 0671034251 Julie (USA: IL) 2016/11/29
37.7 -1 36.7 deducted points for mooch request 0671899619 Bonnie S. (USA: FL) 2016/11/29
37.6 +0.1 37.7 added book to inventory 0345467329 marrie (USA: TN) 2016/11/18
38.6 -1 37.6 deducted points for mooch request 0446561347 Mary Mathews (USA) 2016/11/14
39.6 -1 38.6 deducted points for mooch request 0316017701 Mary L. B (USA: NC) 2016/11/14
40.6 -1 39.6 deducted points for mooch request 0316159778 Judy (USA: NY) 2016/11/14
41.6 -1 40.6 deducted points for mooch request 1439194718 rose (USA: FL) 2016/11/14
42.6 -1 41.6 deducted points for mooch request 0316693200 Mark (USA: FL) 2016/11/09