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Points analysis

Name: theshopper (USA: CA)
User ID: lcfoley
Points: 44.8

Before Change After Description Book Member Date
45.8 -1 44.8 mooch cancelled by requestor 0312315732 kcat114 (USA: NY) 2009/06/18
46.8 -1 45.8 mooch cancelled by requestor 0446310786 Debra Skvorc (USA: CT) 2009/06/13
45.8 +1 46.8 gave points for mooch request 0312315732 kcat114 (USA: NY) 2009/05/20
44.8 +1 45.8 gave points for mooch request 0446310786 Debra Skvorc (USA: CT) 2009/05/20
45.8 -1 44.8 mooch cancelled by requestor 0312315732 Kyrielee (USA: WA) 2009/04/13
46.8 -1 45.8 mooch cancelled by requestor 0446310786 Trish (USA: CT) 2009/04/09
45.8 +1 46.8 gave points for mooch request 0312315732 Kyrielee (USA: WA) 2009/04/06
44.8 +1 45.8 gave points for mooch request 0446310786 Trish (USA: CT) 2009/04/05
45.8 -1 44.8 mooch cancelled by requestor 0312315732 Wendy (USA: RI) 2009/04/04
46.8 -1 45.8 mooch cancelled by requestor 0446310786 Wendy (USA: RI) 2009/04/04
45.8 +1 46.8 gave points for mooch request 0670033944 Chris Lannin (USA: MN) 2009/04/01
45.7 +0.1 45.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0316017701 Melissa (USA) 2009/03/26
44.7 +1 45.7 gave points for mooch request 0312315732 Wendy (USA: RI) 2009/03/18
45.7 -1 44.7 mooch cancelled by requestor 0060555971 teastman (USA: KS) 2009/03/17
44.7 +1 45.7 gave points for mooch request 0446310786 Wendy (USA: RI) 2009/03/16
43.7 +1 44.7 gave points for mooch request 0060593083 Liz M. (USA: MA) 2009/03/16
43.6 +0.1 43.7 added book to inventory 0670033944 theshopper (USA: CA) 2009/03/16
43.5 +0.1 43.6 added book to inventory 0060593083 theshopper (USA: CA) 2009/03/16
43.4 +0.1 43.5 added book to inventory 0446310786 theshopper (USA: CA) 2009/03/16
43.3 +0.1 43.4 added book to inventory 0440243815 theshopper (USA: CA) 2009/03/16
43.2 +0.1 43.3 added book to inventory 0312315732 theshopper (USA: CA) 2009/03/16
43.3 -0.1 43.2 removed book from inventory 1400054354 theshopper (USA: CA) 2009/03/16
43.2 +0.1 43.3 added book to inventory 1400054354 theshopper (USA: CA) 2009/03/16
42.2 +1 43.2 gave points for mooch request 0060555971 teastman (USA: KS) 2009/03/06
41.2 +1 42.2 gave points for mooch request 1594480001 N. High School (USA: IN) 2009/03/05
40.2 +1 41.2 gave points for mooch request 0316016381 Todd T. (USA: NY) 2009/03/05
39.2 +1 40.2 gave points for mooch request 0307264203 bwingeier (USA: MI) 2009/03/05
40.2 -1 39.2 deducted points for mooch request 0316017701 Melissa (USA) 2009/03/05
40.1 +0.1 40.2 added book to inventory 0316016381 theshopper (USA: CA) 2009/03/05
40 +0.1 40.1 added book to inventory 0307264203 theshopper (USA: CA) 2009/03/05
39.9 +0.1 40 added book to inventory 1594480001 theshopper (USA: CA) 2009/03/05
39.8 +0.1 39.9 added book to inventory 0060555971 theshopper (USA: CA) 2009/03/05
39.7 +0.1 39.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1401352081 Cheri Love (USA: NC) 2009/03/04
40.7 -1 39.7 deducted points for mooch request 1401352081 Cheri Love (USA: NC) 2009/02/22
41.7 -1 40.7 mooch rejected by book owner 0312278586 becka567 (USA: CO) 2008/12/01
41.8 -0.1 41.7 removing book from inventory 0312278586 theshopper (USA: CA) 2008/12/01
40.8 +1 41.8 gave points for mooch request 0312278586 becka567 (USA: CO) 2008/12/01
41.8 -1 40.8 mooch rejected by book owner 0446527297 Justin (USA: WA) 2008/09/03
41.9 -0.1 41.8 removing book from inventory 0446527297 theshopper (USA: CA) 2008/09/03
40.9 +1 41.9 gave points for mooch request 0446527297 Justin (USA: WA) 2008/09/03
41.9 -1 40.9 mooch rejected by book owner 1400031699 lissomelily (USA: CA) 2008/08/17
42 -0.1 41.9 removing book from inventory 1400031699 theshopper (USA: CA) 2008/08/17
41 +1 42 gave points for mooch request 1400031699 lissomelily (USA: CA) 2008/08/14
40.9 +0.1 41 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425219097 Cheryl (USA: CA) 2008/07/10
40.8 +0.1 40.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0812975227 Mari (USA: VA) 2008/07/09
39.8 +1 40.8 gave points for mooch request 0764542699 Ryan (USA: CA) 2008/07/06
40.8 -1 39.8 deducted points for mooch request 0425219097 Cheryl (USA: CA) 2008/07/01
39.8 +1 40.8 gave points for mooch request 0060847980 Amy (USA: VA) 2008/06/30
38.8 +1 39.8 gave points for mooch request 0553586246 Psybre (USA: IA) 2008/06/30
38.7 +0.1 38.8 added book to inventory 0385504209 theshopper (USA: CA) 2008/06/30