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Points analysis

Name: Kathy Harvey Nelson (USA: PA)
User ID: kindkat
Points: 35.1

Before Change After Description Book Member Date
34.1 +1 35.1 gave points for mooch request 0451234677 Sandy McCullough (USA: OH) 2015/08/24
33.1 +1 34.1 gave points for mooch request 0062363999 Kathy (USA: MI) 2015/08/24
34.1 -1 33.1 deducted points for mooch request 0449006344 Alison Fuller (USA: MN) 2015/08/23
34 +0.1 34.1 added book to inventory 0451234677 Kathy Harvey Nelson (USA: PA) 2015/08/23
33.9 +0.1 34 added book to inventory 0062363999 Kathy Harvey Nelson (USA: PA) 2015/08/23
34 -0.1 33.9 removed book from inventory 0778322181 Kathy Harvey Nelson (USA: PA) 2015/08/23
34.1 -0.1 34 removed book from inventory 0312934319 Kathy Harvey Nelson (USA: PA) 2015/08/23
33.1 +1 34.1 gave points for mooch request 0812969812 Carole (USA: NY) 2015/08/09
32.1 +1 33.1 gave points for mooch request 0671001795 Gina Marie (USA: CT) 2015/08/01
32 +0.1 32.1 added book to inventory 0671001795 Kathy Harvey Nelson (USA: PA) 2015/07/31
31.9 +0.1 32 added book to inventory 0778322181 Kathy Harvey Nelson (USA: PA) 2015/07/31
32.9 -1 31.9 deducted points for mooch request 0345435168 MaryV (USA: VT) 2015/07/13
33.9 -1 32.9 deducted points for mooch request 0821775790 Adam (USA: ND) 2015/07/13
34.9 -1 33.9 deducted points for mooch request 0821775782 kay hughes (USA: GA) 2015/07/13
35.9 -1 34.9 deducted points for mooch request 0821777122 renee (USA: NC) 2015/07/13
36.9 -1 35.9 deducted points for mooch request 142010277X Mary (USA: MN) 2015/07/13
37.9 -1 36.9 deducted points for mooch request B003XKKUTU Breenah (USA: KS) 2015/07/13
38.9 -1 37.9 deducted points for mooch request 0786006242 Connie (USA: PA) 2015/07/13
39.9 -1 38.9 deducted points for mooch request 0525949976 Marie (USA: GA) 2015/07/13
38.9 +1 39.9 gave points for mooch request 0316067369 Kathy (USA: CA) 2015/07/12
38.8 +0.1 38.9 added book to inventory 0312934319 Kathy Harvey Nelson (USA: PA) 2015/07/04
37.8 +1 38.8 gave points for mooch request 0451219244 Marianne (Australia) 2015/07/03
36.8 +1 37.8 gave points for mooch request 073940332X Kathleen (USA: MN) 2015/07/02
36.7 +0.1 36.8 added book to inventory 0316067369 Kathy Harvey Nelson (USA: PA) 2015/06/28
36.6 +0.1 36.7 added book to inventory 0812969812 Kathy Harvey Nelson (USA: PA) 2015/06/28
36.5 +0.1 36.6 added book to inventory 073940332X Kathy Harvey Nelson (USA: PA) 2015/06/28
36.4 +0.1 36.5 added book to inventory 0451219244 Kathy Harvey Nelson (USA: PA) 2015/06/28
36.5 -0.1 36.4 removed book from inventory B007CIJUQS Kathy Harvey Nelson (USA: PA) 2015/06/28
36.6 -0.1 36.5 removed book from inventory 0312945175 Kathy Harvey Nelson (USA: PA) 2015/06/28
36.7 -0.1 36.6 removed book from inventory B005Q61U1G Kathy Harvey Nelson (USA: PA) 2015/06/28
36.8 -0.1 36.7 removed book from inventory 0061240850 Kathy Harvey Nelson (USA: PA) 2015/06/28
36.9 -0.1 36.8 removed book from inventory 0553571826 Kathy Harvey Nelson (USA: PA) 2015/06/28
37 -0.1 36.9 removed book from inventory 0553584375 Kathy Harvey Nelson (USA: PA) 2015/06/28
37.1 -0.1 37 removed book from inventory 0553584391 Kathy Harvey Nelson (USA: PA) 2015/06/28
37.2 -0.1 37.1 removed book from inventory 055356160X Kathy Harvey Nelson (USA: PA) 2015/06/28
37.3 -0.1 37.2 removed book from inventory 0440222877 Kathy Harvey Nelson (USA: PA) 2015/06/28
37.4 -0.1 37.3 removed book from inventory 042520734X Kathy Harvey Nelson (USA: PA) 2015/06/28
37.5 -0.1 37.4 removed book from inventory 045121577X Kathy Harvey Nelson (USA: PA) 2015/06/28
37.6 -0.1 37.5 removed book from inventory 0345480155 Kathy Harvey Nelson (USA: PA) 2015/06/28
38.6 -1 37.6 deducted points for mooch request B004E3XI8U Linda Holloway (USA: MI) 2015/06/21
39.6 -1 38.6 deducted points for mooch request 9780312383282 Irwin Fox (USA: NC) 2015/06/21
40.6 -1 39.6 deducted points for mooch request 0312980140 Kathy Woodworth (USA: MO) 2015/06/21
41.6 -1 40.6 deducted points for mooch request 0312349483 Linda Holloway (USA: MI) 2015/06/21
40.6 +1 41.6 mooch cancelled by requestor 0312349513 S&L (USA: FL) 2015/06/13
43.6 -3 40.6 deducted points for mooch request 0312265867 jasmines (Canada) 2015/06/08
42.6 +1 43.6 gave points for mooch request 0452284449 Quinlan Community Library (USA: TX) 2015/06/08
43.6 -1 42.6 deducted points for mooch request 0312349521 Leesa (USA: MD) 2015/06/07
44.6 -1 43.6 deducted points for mooch request 0440235391 Andrea T. (USA: LA) 2015/06/07
45.6 -1 44.6 deducted points for mooch request 0312349513 S&L (USA: FL) 2015/06/07
46.6 -1 45.6 deducted points for mooch request 0312349491 Ashley (USA: NE) 2015/06/07