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Points analysis

Name: goom (Israel)
User ID: goom
Points: 20.2

Before Change After Description Book Member Date
23.2 -3 20.2 mooch cancelled by requestor 1400031818 cloudy sheep (Österreich) 2016/05/18
20.2 +3 23.2 gave points for mooch request 1400031818 cloudy sheep (Österreich) 2016/03/29
23.2 -3 20.2 mooch cancelled by requestor 057128860X Rossano Huf (Brasil) 2015/12/17
20.2 +3 23.2 gave points for mooch request 057128860X Rossano Huf (Brasil) 2015/11/18
21.2 -1 20.2 mooch cancelled by requestor 0893891517 Dorit (Israel) 2015/09/10
20.2 +1 21.2 gave points for mooch request 0893891517 Dorit (Israel) 2015/08/30
23.2 -3 20.2 mooch cancelled by requestor 0802136346 chris (Japan) 2015/04/04
20.2 +3 23.2 gave points for mooch request 0802136346 chris (Japan) 2015/03/26
23.2 -3 20.2 mooch cancelled by requestor 1400031818 mariella (Greece) 2015/03/25
22.2 +1 23.2 gave points for mooch request 0060926619 Moonlight Shedow (Israel) 2015/03/08
19.2 +3 22.2 gave points for mooch request 1400031818 mariella (Greece) 2015/02/01
16.2 +3 19.2 gave points for mooch request 0385493622 Bill Bennett (New Zealand) 2014/12/08
16.1 +0.1 16.2 added book to inventory 0486228533 goom (Israel) 2014/11/11
15.1 +1 16.1 gave points for mooch request 0440423627 spookky (Israel) 2014/10/21
14.1 +1 15.1 gave points for mooch request 125003440X spookky (Israel) 2014/10/20
14.2 -0.1 14.1 removed book from inventory BM1399299930501965753 goom (Israel) 2014/10/14
14.1 +0.1 14.2 added book to inventory 125003440X goom (Israel) 2014/10/14
14.2 -0.1 14.1 removed book from inventory 125003440X goom (Israel) 2014/10/14
14.3 -0.1 14.2 removed book from inventory 1401309577 goom (Israel) 2014/10/14
14.2 +0.1 14.3 added book to inventory 125003440X goom (Israel) 2014/10/14
14.1 +0.1 14.2 added book to inventory 1400031818 goom (Israel) 2014/10/14
14 +0.1 14.1 added book to inventory 1400031354 goom (Israel) 2014/10/14
13.9 +0.1 14 added book to inventory 0440246334 goom (Israel) 2014/10/14
13.8 +0.1 13.9 added book to inventory 1401309577 goom (Israel) 2014/10/14
13.7 +0.1 13.8 added book to inventory 0689846231 goom (Israel) 2014/10/14
13.6 +0.1 13.7 added book to inventory 0440423627 goom (Israel) 2014/10/14
13.5 +0.1 13.6 added book to inventory 0802136346 goom (Israel) 2014/10/14
13.4 +0.1 13.5 added book to inventory 0553241125 goom (Israel) 2014/10/14
13.3 +0.1 13.4 added book to inventory 0312340842 goom (Israel) 2014/10/14
13.4 -0.1 13.3 removed book from inventory 0345287703 goom (Israel) 2014/10/14
14.4 -1 13.4 deducted points for mooch request 0451228499 Janice Kaye (United Kingdom) 2014/10/14
15.4 -1 14.4 gave a smooch maxfam3 (USA: VA) 2014/10/14
16.4 -1 15.4 gave a smooch maxfam3 (USA: VA) 2014/10/14
17.4 -1 16.4 gave a smooch maxfam3 (USA: VA) 2014/10/14
18.4 -1 17.4 deducted points for mooch request 0752878212 Janice Kaye (United Kingdom) 2014/10/05
15.4 +3 18.4 mooch cancelled by requestor 0440222680 Nikryu (Japan) 2014/10/05
16.4 -1 15.4 mooch cancelled by requestor 0893891517 Dorit (Israel) 2014/09/10
15.4 +1 16.4 gave points for mooch request 0893891517 Dorit (Israel) 2014/08/09
14.4 +1 15.4 mooch cancelled by requestor 0312421273 Cheli Zinger (Israel) 2014/07/06
11.4 +3 14.4 gave points for mooch request 0930213564 ed (USA: NY) 2014/06/21
8.4 +3 11.4 gave points for mooch request 0380015730 dawn (Canada) 2014/06/21
8.3 +0.1 8.4 added book to inventory 0312337728 goom (Israel) 2014/06/17
9.3 -1 8.3 deducted points for mooch request 0312421273 Cheli Zinger (Israel) 2014/05/31
10.3 -1 9.3 mooch cancelled by requestor 0930213564 Gai Porter (USA: NV) 2014/05/29
9.3 +1 10.3 gave points for mooch request 0930213564 Gai Porter (USA: NV) 2014/05/06
9.2 +0.1 9.3 added book to inventory BM1399300124302218113 goom (Israel) 2014/05/05
9.1 +0.1 9.2 added book to inventory 0930213564 goom (Israel) 2014/05/05
9 +0.1 9.1 added book to inventory B002YX0BNM goom (Israel) 2014/05/05
8.9 +0.1 9 added book to inventory 0060926619 goom (Israel) 2014/05/05
8.8 +0.1 8.9 added book to inventory 0345287703 goom (Israel) 2014/05/05