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Points analysis

Name: debbie (USA: CA)
User ID: froto78
Points: 73.7

Before Change After Description Book Member Date
74.7 -1 73.7 mooch cancelled by requestor 0590632469 DRWS (USA: IL) 2013/09/11
75.7 -1 74.7 mooch cancelled by requestor 0451210247 Karen (USA: NE) 2013/09/03
74.7 +1 75.7 gave points for mooch request 0451210247 Karen (USA: NE) 2013/09/03
73.7 +1 74.7 gave points for mooch request 0590632469 DRWS (USA: IL) 2013/09/02
74.7 -1 73.7 mooch cancelled by requestor 0553580191 operationpaperback (USA: MA) 2013/07/13
73.7 +1 74.7 gave points for mooch request 0553580191 operationpaperback (USA: MA) 2013/03/20
72.7 +1 73.7 gave points for mooch request 0345447840 Felicia (USA: MA) 2011/06/24
72.8 -0.1 72.7 removed book from inventory 0739472623 debbie (USA: CA) 2011/06/22
73.8 -1 72.8 mooch cancelled by requestor 0345447840 cevillasusan (USA: OK) 2011/06/20
72.8 +1 73.8 gave points for mooch request 0345447840 cevillasusan (USA: OK) 2011/06/12
73.8 -1 72.8 deducted points for mooch request 0671792997 Philmontchick (USA: MN) 2011/06/11
74.8 -1 73.8 deducted points for mooch request 0451202821 heathlover (USA: ME) 2011/06/11
74.7 +0.1 74.8 added book to inventory 0451203771 debbie (USA: CA) 2011/06/11
74.6 +0.1 74.7 added book to inventory 0671702513 debbie (USA: CA) 2011/06/11
74.5 +0.1 74.6 added book to inventory 0449002411 debbie (USA: CA) 2011/06/11
74.4 +0.1 74.5 added book to inventory 0345413903 debbie (USA: CA) 2011/06/11
74.3 +0.1 74.4 added book to inventory 0446611476 debbie (USA: CA) 2011/06/11
74.2 +0.1 74.3 added book to inventory 0345447840 debbie (USA: CA) 2011/06/11
75.2 -1 74.2 mooch cancelled by requestor 0312262515 Kuma (USA: NV) 2011/06/05
74.2 +1 75.2 gave points for mooch request 0312262515 Kuma (USA: NV) 2011/06/03
75.2 -1 74.2 deducted points for mooch request 0517709368 Stacey (USA: VT) 2011/04/30
76.2 -1 75.2 mooch rejected by book owner 0451166884 Nadja W. (USA: CA) 2011/04/30
76.3 -0.1 76.2 removing book from inventory 0451166884 debbie (USA: CA) 2011/04/30
75.3 +1 76.3 gave points for mooch request 0373250746 Diana (USA: DC) 2011/04/29
74.3 +1 75.3 gave points for mooch request 0451166884 Nadja W. (USA: CA) 2011/04/23
73.3 +1 74.3 gave points for mooch request 1567182240 Hercules Invictus (USA: NJ) 2011/04/22
74.3 -1 73.3 deducted points for mooch request 0590406205 Abi (USA: WI) 2011/04/10
74.4 -0.1 74.3 removed book from inventory 0821775774 debbie (USA: CA) 2011/04/10
74.5 -0.1 74.4 removed book from inventory 0446617482 debbie (USA: CA) 2011/04/10
73.5 +1 74.5 gave points for mooch request 0399155228 KK (USA: DC) 2011/04/03
72.5 +1 73.5 gave points for mooch request 1416595619 Mitch (USA: MN) 2011/04/02
71.5 +1 72.5 gave points for mooch request 0380788683 Alan Dellamore (USA: CA) 2011/04/02
70.5 +1 71.5 gave points for mooch request 0380818965 sugarandgrits (USA: GA) 2011/03/29
71.5 -1 70.5 mooch cancelled by requestor 0451166884 Nadja W. (USA: CA) 2011/03/21
70.5 +1 71.5 gave points for mooch request 0451166884 Nadja W. (USA: CA) 2011/03/17
70.4 +0.1 70.5 added book to inventory 0590632469 debbie (USA: CA) 2011/03/15
69.4 +1 70.4 gave points for mooch request 0446577189 Nicky B (USA: NY) 2011/03/13
68.4 +1 69.4 gave points for mooch request 0778325253 mvngs (USA: KY) 2011/03/13
68.3 +0.1 68.4 added book to inventory 0446617482 debbie (USA: CA) 2011/03/13
68.2 +0.1 68.3 added book to inventory 0743448650 debbie (USA: CA) 2011/03/13
68.1 +0.1 68.2 added book to inventory 0553587862 debbie (USA: CA) 2011/03/13
68 +0.1 68.1 added book to inventory 0821775774 debbie (USA: CA) 2011/03/13
67.9 +0.1 68 added book to inventory 0312937091 debbie (USA: CA) 2011/03/13
67.8 +0.1 67.9 added book to inventory 0553587242 debbie (USA: CA) 2011/03/13
67.7 +0.1 67.8 added book to inventory 0965006786 debbie (USA: CA) 2011/03/13
67.6 +0.1 67.7 added book to inventory 0316781142 debbie (USA: CA) 2011/03/13
67.5 +0.1 67.6 added book to inventory 0399152970 debbie (USA: CA) 2011/03/13
67.4 +0.1 67.5 added book to inventory 0739472623 debbie (USA: CA) 2011/03/13
67.3 +0.1 67.4 added book to inventory 038550926X debbie (USA: CA) 2011/03/13
67.2 +0.1 67.3 added book to inventory 0385340230 debbie (USA: CA) 2011/03/13