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Points analysis

Name: chashby (USA: NY)
User ID: chashby
Points: 9.7

Before Change After Description Book Member Date
14.2 +0.1 14.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0813511704 markb (USA: VA) 2008/02/03
13.2 +1 14.2 gave points for mooch request 1888451491 gdlaynor (USA: NJ) 2008/01/25
13.1 +0.1 13.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book B000IZAEYO Lynn Ceteras Huerta (USA: OR) 2008/01/14
14.1 -1 13.1 deducted points for mooch request BM1198724333512887444 markb (USA: VA) 2008/01/12
15.1 -1 14.1 deducted points for mooch request 0813511704 markb (USA: VA) 2008/01/12
15 +0.1 15.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0811203352 Ashley (USA: MN) 2008/01/02
16 -1 15 deducted points for mooch request 0446671924 Troy (USA: OK) 2008/01/02
15 +1 16 mooch rejected by book owner 0440931800 Lauren (USA: PA) 2007/12/29
16 -1 15 mooch rejected by book owner 0801839351 pidget (USA: CA) 2007/12/19
17 -1 16 deducted points for mooch request 0811203352 Ashley (USA: MN) 2007/12/19
16.9 +0.1 17 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0971865973 Agnostic Unicorn (USA: WA) 2007/12/19
15.9 +1 16.9 gave points for mooch request 1888451467 Jeremy Stabile (USA: GA) 2007/12/17
15.8 +0.1 15.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0452280621 kLorene (USA: VA) 2007/12/16
14.8 +1 15.8 gave points for mooch request 0801839351 pidget (USA: CA) 2007/12/14
15.8 -1 14.8 deducted points for mooch request 0452280621 kLorene (USA: VA) 2007/12/12
16.8 -1 15.8 deducted points for mooch request B000IZAEYO Lynn Ceteras Huerta (USA: OR) 2007/12/08
16.7 +0.1 16.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0892552743 David (USA: GA) 2007/12/06
15.7 +1 16.7 gave points for mooch request 1888451734 k00kaburra (USA: CA) 2007/12/05
15.6 +0.1 15.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book BM1189898411745494931 emandink (USA: VA) 2007/12/01
15.5 +0.1 15.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book BM118989929699810796 emandink (USA: VA) 2007/12/01
14.5 +1 15.5 gave points for mooch request 0253214769 CFassett (USA: RI) 2007/12/01
15.5 -1 14.5 deducted points for mooch request 0971865973 Agnostic Unicorn (USA: WA) 2007/11/23
16.5 -1 15.5 deducted points for mooch request 0892552743 David (USA: GA) 2007/11/23
15.5 +1 16.5 received points from charity emandink (USA: VA) 2007/11/20
16.5 -1 15.5 deducted points for mooch request BM1189898411745494931 emandink (USA: VA) 2007/11/18
17.5 -1 16.5 deducted points for mooch request BM118989929699810796 emandink (USA: VA) 2007/11/18
17.4 +0.1 17.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0671761927 Kevin Whitesides (USA: CA) 2007/11/18
17.3 +0.1 17.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0807811971 wandering (USA: OH) 2007/11/18
17.2 +0.1 17.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0810394367 Robert (USA: VA) 2007/11/01
17.1 +0.1 17.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0916272850 Lisa and Robert (USA: NY) 2007/11/01
18.1 -1 17.1 deducted points for mooch request 0671761927 Kevin Whitesides (USA: CA) 2007/10/27
17.1 +1 18.1 gave points for mooch request B000GSM66W Jennifer (USA: NY) 2007/10/26
18.1 -1 17.1 deducted points for mooch request 0810394367 Robert (USA: VA) 2007/10/26
17.1 +1 18.1 gave points for mooch request 0679420754 David (USA: ID) 2007/10/25
16.1 +1 17.1 gave points for mooch request B000OTDDRY Kathryn (USA: MI) 2007/10/22
17.1 -1 16.1 deducted points for mooch request 0807811971 wandering (USA: OH) 2007/10/22
16.1 +1 17.1 gave points for mooch request 0142004103 wandering (USA: OH) 2007/10/22
16 +0.1 16.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0553346148 Callie Barish (USA: OR) 2007/10/22
15 +1 16 gave points for mooch request 0195051807 k00kaburra (USA: CA) 2007/10/22
18 -3 15 mooch cancelled by requestor 1888451734 John Alwyine-Mosely (United Kingdom) 2007/10/22
21 -3 18 mooch cancelled by requestor 0195051807 John Alwyine-Mosely (United Kingdom) 2007/10/22
18 +3 21 gave points for mooch request 1888451734 John Alwyine-Mosely (United Kingdom) 2007/10/21
15 +3 18 gave points for mooch request 0195051807 John Alwyine-Mosely (United Kingdom) 2007/10/21
14 +1 15 gave points for mooch request 0971973709 kwp (USA: CA) 2007/10/21
15 -1 14 deducted points for mooch request 0553229680 kbuxton (USA: OR) 2007/10/21
16 -1 15 deducted points for mooch request 0440931800 Lauren (USA: PA) 2007/10/21
15 +1 16 gave points for mooch request 0312203853 beth (USA: CA) 2007/10/21
14.9 +0.1 15 added book to inventory 0971973709 chashby (USA: NY) 2007/10/21
14.8 +0.1 14.9 added book to inventory 0253214769 chashby (USA: NY) 2007/10/21
14.7 +0.1 14.8 added book to inventory 0195051807 chashby (USA: NY) 2007/10/21