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Points analysis

Name: cathepsut (Germany)
User ID: cathepsut
Points: 0

Before Change After Description Book Member Date
0.6 -0.6 0 account closed cathepsut (Germany) 2012/07/29
42.6 -42 0.6 donated points to charity BookMooch Charitable Fund (USA) 2012/07/29
42.7 -0.1 42.6 removed book from inventory 3853260330 cathepsut (Germany) 2012/07/29
42.8 -0.1 42.7 removed book from inventory 3770107764 cathepsut (Germany) 2012/07/29
42.9 -0.1 42.8 removed book from inventory 3895940755 cathepsut (Germany) 2012/07/29
43 -0.1 42.9 removed book from inventory 3806820813 cathepsut (Germany) 2012/07/29
43.1 -0.1 43 removed book from inventory 3453131169 cathepsut (Germany) 2012/07/29
43.2 -0.1 43.1 removed book from inventory 3895940569 cathepsut (Germany) 2012/07/29
43.3 -0.1 43.2 removed book from inventory 3444701977 cathepsut (Germany) 2012/07/29
43.4 -0.1 43.3 removed book from inventory 3423030038 cathepsut (Germany) 2012/07/29
43.5 -0.1 43.4 removed book from inventory 3423030046 cathepsut (Germany) 2012/07/29
43.6 -0.1 43.5 removed book from inventory 3881173773 cathepsut (Germany) 2012/07/29
43.7 -0.1 43.6 removed book from inventory B000J0KKLU cathepsut (Germany) 2012/07/24
43.8 -0.1 43.7 removed book from inventory 0141184140 cathepsut (Germany) 2012/07/24
43.9 -0.1 43.8 removed book from inventory 0446600415 cathepsut (Germany) 2012/07/24
44 -0.1 43.9 removed book from inventory 0060544767 cathepsut (Germany) 2012/07/24
47 -3 44 mooch rejected by book owner 0451451430 thebellone (Ireland) 2012/07/24
47.1 -0.1 47 removing book from inventory 0451451430 cathepsut (Germany) 2012/07/24
44.1 +3 47.1 gave points for mooch request 0451451430 thebellone (Ireland) 2012/07/24
44.2 -0.1 44.1 removed book from inventory 0380475553 cathepsut (Germany) 2012/04/14
41.2 +3 44.2 gave points for mooch request 0439324599 ASDfriendly (United Kingdom) 2012/03/22
41.1 +0.1 41.2 added book to inventory 0141184140 cathepsut (Germany) 2012/03/21
41 +0.1 41.1 added book to inventory 0439324599 cathepsut (Germany) 2012/03/21
40.9 +0.1 41 added book to inventory 0380475553 cathepsut (Germany) 2012/03/21
40.8 +0.1 40.9 added book to inventory 0451451430 cathepsut (Germany) 2012/03/10
43.8 -3 40.8 deducted points for mooch request 0425195473 laura (USA: SC) 2012/02/20
46.8 -3 43.8 deducted points for mooch request 0515131091 laura (USA: SC) 2012/02/20
49.8 -3 46.8 deducted points for mooch request 0345481291 amanda4242 (USA: CA) 2012/01/25
49.7 +0.1 49.8 added book to inventory 0446600415 cathepsut (Germany) 2012/01/15
49.6 +0.1 49.7 added book to inventory 3453131169 cathepsut (Germany) 2012/01/15
46.6 +3 49.6 gave points for mooch request 174216854X delcianna (USA: LA) 2011/12/07
45.6 +1 46.6 gave points for mooch request 0440201330 Sandra Erb (Germany) 2011/11/16
44.6 +1 45.6 gave points for mooch request 3895940216 Sandra Erb (Germany) 2011/11/16
43.6 +1 44.6 gave points for mooch request 3895940224 Sandra Erb (Germany) 2011/11/16
46.6 -3 43.6 deducted points for mooch request 0875848826 Gerhard (Netherlands) 2011/11/11
49.6 -3 46.6 deducted points for mooch request 0525952179 Camille Elise (USA: AZ) 2011/10/31
50.6 -1 49.6 gave a smooch Schwan (Germany) 2011/10/21
49.6 +1 50.6 received points from charity Tina (Germany) 2011/10/12
50.6 -1 49.6 deducted points for mooch request 3453131169 Tina (Germany) 2011/10/12
51.6 -1 50.6 deducted points for mooch request 0446600415 Tina (Germany) 2011/10/12
48.6 +3 51.6 gave points for mooch request 0451409361 katerina (Greece) 2011/10/07
47.6 +1 48.6 gave points for mooch request 0451408977 Ulrike P. (USA: CT) 2011/10/04
44.6 +3 47.6 mooch cancelled by requestor BM1232946806465000214 Kieran (United Kingdom) 2011/10/03
45.6 -1 44.6 deducted points for mooch request BM1232946806465000214 Schwan (Germany) 2011/09/26
42.6 +3 45.6 gave points for mooch request 0451461991 lotuscandy (United Kingdom) 2011/09/18
42.5 +0.1 42.6 added book to inventory 0451461991 cathepsut (Germany) 2011/09/18
39.5 +3 42.5 gave points for mooch request 3453086643 muyilusionada (USA: MA) 2011/08/31
36.5 +3 39.5 gave points for mooch request 3570024962 muyilusionada (USA: MA) 2011/08/31
33.5 +3 36.5 gave points for mooch request 3760881068 muyilusionada (USA: MA) 2011/08/31
33.4 +0.1 33.5 added book to inventory 3760881068 cathepsut (Germany) 2011/08/30