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Points analysis

Name: Heather  (USA: AZ)
User ID: azmom875
Points: 61.7

Before Change After Description Book Member Date
60.7 +1 61.7 mooch rejected by book owner 0553840096 Charlene (USA: NM) 2023/02/09
59.7 +1 60.7 gave points for mooch request 0767905938 jgn (USA: WA) 2023/01/09
58.7 +1 59.7 gave points for mooch request 0375758615 valerie (USA: OH) 2022/12/28
57.7 +1 58.7 gave points for mooch request 1101990260 V. Weatherby (USA: GA) 2022/12/09
57.8 -0.1 57.7 removed book from inventory 142671470X Heather (USA: AZ) 2022/12/09
57.9 -0.1 57.8 removed book from inventory 1845965353 Heather (USA: AZ) 2022/12/09
57.8 +0.1 57.9 added book to inventory B0013JI752 Heather (USA: AZ) 2022/12/09
57.9 -0.1 57.8 removed book from inventory 0515127396 Heather (USA: AZ) 2022/12/09
57.8 +0.1 57.9 added book to inventory 0515127396 Heather (USA: AZ) 2022/12/09
57.7 +0.1 57.8 added book to inventory 0515127396 Heather (USA: AZ) 2022/12/09
57.8 -0.1 57.7 removed book from inventory 1455541141 Heather (USA: AZ) 2022/12/09
57.7 +0.1 57.8 added book to inventory 1455541141 Heather (USA: AZ) 2022/12/09
57.6 +0.1 57.7 added book to inventory 1455541141 Heather (USA: AZ) 2022/12/09
57.5 +0.1 57.6 added book to inventory 0440120500 Heather (USA: AZ) 2022/12/09
57.4 +0.1 57.5 added book to inventory 1845965353 Heather (USA: AZ) 2022/12/09
57.3 +0.1 57.4 added book to inventory 1101990260 Heather (USA: AZ) 2022/12/09
56.3 +1 57.3 gave points for mooch request 0425260038 Mel O'Connell (USA: MI) 2022/11/27
56.2 +0.1 56.3 added book to inventory 0425260038 Heather (USA: AZ) 2022/11/26
55.2 +1 56.2 gave points for mooch request 1477848819 galyn (USA: TX) 2022/11/07
55.1 +0.1 55.2 added book to inventory 1477848819 Heather (USA: AZ) 2022/11/06
56.1 -1 55.1 mooch rejected by book owner 0525951520 sher (USA: NV) 2022/11/06
56.2 -0.1 56.1 removing book from inventory 0525951520 Heather (USA: AZ) 2022/11/06
55.2 +1 56.2 mooch rejected by book owner 0452284554 Meredith Eaton (USA: NM) 2022/11/02
55.3 -0.1 55.2 removed book from inventory 0718082788 Heather (USA: AZ) 2022/10/27
55.4 -0.1 55.3 removed book from inventory 0842320164 Heather (USA: AZ) 2022/10/27
55.5 -0.1 55.4 removed book from inventory 1595547770 Heather (USA: AZ) 2022/10/27
54.5 +1 55.5 gave points for mooch request 0064634213 sher (USA: NV) 2022/10/15
53.5 +1 54.5 gave points for mooch request 0525951520 sher (USA: NV) 2022/10/15
52.5 +1 53.5 gave points for mooch request 1416560173 sher (USA: NV) 2022/10/15
51.5 +1 52.5 gave points for mooch request BM1641139944841995315 Robert Wechsler (USA: CT) 2022/10/13
52.5 -1 51.5 deducted points for mooch request 0553299506 Charlene (USA: NM) 2022/10/12
53.5 -1 52.5 deducted points for mooch request 0345465288 Charlene (USA: NM) 2022/10/12
54.5 -1 53.5 deducted points for mooch request 0345539028 Charlene (USA: NM) 2022/10/12
55.5 -1 54.5 deducted points for mooch request 0553840096 Charlene (USA: NM) 2022/10/12
56.5 -1 55.5 deducted points for mooch request 0735221103 honeybunches75 (USA: TN) 2022/10/10
57.5 -1 56.5 deducted points for mooch request 1845965353 Deborah Collins (USA: WI) 2022/10/09
58.5 -1 57.5 deducted points for mooch request 1845964047 Deborah Collins (USA: WI) 2022/10/09
59.5 -1 58.5 deducted points for mooch request 1609804147 Deborah Collins (USA: WI) 2022/10/09
60.5 -1 59.5 deducted points for mooch request 0452284554 Meredith Eaton (USA: NM) 2022/10/06
60.4 +0.1 60.5 added book to inventory 1595547770 Heather (USA: AZ) 2022/09/23
59.4 +1 60.4 gave points for mooch request 0373815638 ladyhawkgg (USA: SC) 2022/09/21
60.4 -1 59.4 deducted points for mooch request 9780552173070 Jess (USA: PA) 2022/09/18
61.4 -1 60.4 deducted points for mooch request 0312361572 Norma Jean (USA: IL) 2022/09/13
62.4 -1 61.4 deducted points for mooch request 0312979487 Norma Jean (USA: IL) 2022/09/13
63.4 -1 62.4 deducted points for mooch request 055329170X A. Messina (USA: NJ) 2022/09/13
64.4 -1 63.4 deducted points for mooch request B000NX8G3M A. Messina (USA: NJ) 2022/09/13
65.4 -1 64.4 deducted points for mooch request 0062073486 Julia (USA: VA) 2022/09/13
64.4 +1 65.4 gave points for mooch request 0062678418 merritt (USA: FL) 2022/09/07
64.3 +0.1 64.4 added book to inventory 0679459626 Heather (USA: AZ) 2022/09/06
64.2 +0.1 64.3 added book to inventory 1250185122 Heather (USA: AZ) 2022/09/06