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Points analysis

Name: AshleyMaria (USA)
User ID: ashleymaria
Points: 0

Before Change After Description Book Member Date
33.1 -33.1 0 account closed AshleyMaria (USA) 2012/09/08
33.2 -0.1 33.1 removed book from inventory B006G80M4Y AshleyMaria (USA) 2012/09/08
33.3 -0.1 33.2 removed book from inventory 0373861338 AshleyMaria (USA) 2012/09/08
33.4 -0.1 33.3 removed book from inventory 0373861095 AshleyMaria (USA) 2012/09/08
33.5 -0.1 33.4 removed book from inventory 037353440X AshleyMaria (USA) 2012/09/08
33.6 -0.1 33.5 removed book from inventory 0758238770 AshleyMaria (USA) 2012/09/08
33.7 -0.1 33.6 removed book from inventory 0373861885 AshleyMaria (USA) 2012/09/08
33.8 -0.1 33.7 removed book from inventory 0373129297 AshleyMaria (USA) 2012/09/08
33.9 -0.1 33.8 removed book from inventory 0373792107 AshleyMaria (USA) 2012/09/08
34 -0.1 33.9 removed book from inventory 0373862377 AshleyMaria (USA) 2012/09/08
34.1 -0.1 34 removed book from inventory 0373861419 AshleyMaria (USA) 2012/09/08
34.2 -0.1 34.1 removed book from inventory B0009B2WWE AshleyMaria (USA) 2012/09/08
34.3 -0.1 34.2 removed book from inventory 0373861826 AshleyMaria (USA) 2012/09/08
34.4 -0.1 34.3 removed book from inventory B003D7JX5U AshleyMaria (USA) 2012/09/08
35.4 -1 34.4 deducted points for mooch request 0743499603 Cathy (USA: OH) 2012/08/12
34.4 +1 35.4 gave points for mooch request 1416556532 Emily (USA: NJ) 2012/07/20
34.5 -0.1 34.4 removed book from inventory 1600430112 AshleyMaria (USA) 2012/07/12
34.4 +0.1 34.5 added book to inventory B006G80M4Y AshleyMaria (USA) 2012/07/08
34.3 +0.1 34.4 added book to inventory 1600430112 AshleyMaria (USA) 2012/07/08
33.3 +1 34.3 gave points for mooch request 0373534493 NichoĆ«l (USA: CA) 2012/07/06
32.3 +1 33.3 gave points for mooch request 0373862172 Carmen (USA: GA) 2012/07/06
31.3 +1 32.3 gave points for mooch request 1933967463 Cynequan (USA: FL) 2012/06/25
30.3 +1 31.3 gave points for mooch request 1402213999 VeraMarie (USA) 2012/06/25
30.2 +0.1 30.3 added book to inventory 1933967463 AshleyMaria (USA) 2012/06/25
30.1 +0.1 30.2 added book to inventory 0373861338 AshleyMaria (USA) 2012/06/25
30 +0.1 30.1 added book to inventory 0373861095 AshleyMaria (USA) 2012/06/25
29.9 +0.1 30 added book to inventory 037353440X AshleyMaria (USA) 2012/06/25
29.8 +0.1 29.9 added book to inventory 0373534493 AshleyMaria (USA) 2012/06/25
29.7 +0.1 29.8 added book to inventory 0758238770 AshleyMaria (USA) 2012/06/25
29.6 +0.1 29.7 added book to inventory 0373861885 AshleyMaria (USA) 2012/06/25
29.5 +0.1 29.6 added book to inventory 1416556532 AshleyMaria (USA) 2012/06/25
29.4 +0.1 29.5 added book to inventory 1402213999 AshleyMaria (USA) 2012/06/25
29.3 +0.1 29.4 added book to inventory 0373862172 AshleyMaria (USA) 2012/06/25
28.3 +1 29.3 gave points for mooch request 0373862342 Trina (USA: MD) 2012/06/01
29.3 -1 28.3 deducted points for mooch request 1847370217 Marilou (USA: LA) 2012/04/28
29.2 +0.1 29.3 added book to inventory 0373129297 AshleyMaria (USA) 2012/04/28
29.1 +0.1 29.2 added book to inventory 0373792107 AshleyMaria (USA) 2012/04/28
28.1 +1 29.1 gave points for mooch request 0373534477 Shaunda (USA: NC) 2012/04/19
27.1 +1 28.1 mooch rejected by book owner 037376281X bbckprpl (USA: MA) 2012/03/15
26.1 +1 27.1 gave points for mooch request 0758260008 Shaunda (USA: NC) 2012/03/13
27.1 -1 26.1 deducted points for mooch request 0373792107 sue (USA: NE) 2012/03/03
28.1 -1 27.1 deducted points for mooch request 037376281X bbckprpl (USA: MA) 2012/03/03
28 +0.1 28.1 added book to inventory 0758260008 AshleyMaria (USA) 2012/03/03
27.9 +0.1 28 added book to inventory 0373862342 AshleyMaria (USA) 2012/03/03
27.8 +0.1 27.9 added book to inventory 0373862377 AshleyMaria (USA) 2012/03/03
27.7 +0.1 27.8 added book to inventory 0373534477 AshleyMaria (USA) 2012/03/03
28.7 -1 27.7 deducted points for mooch request 0373534493 Theresa (USA: NJ) 2012/01/14
27.7 +1 28.7 mooch cancelled by requestor 0440236185 Niki Hayes (USA: PA) 2011/12/24
28.7 -1 27.7 deducted points for mooch request 0373534574 Theresa (USA: NJ) 2011/12/19
27.7 +1 28.7 gave points for mooch request 0553272543 Cynthia Harding (USA: CA) 2011/12/06