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Points analysis

Name: Arya (Italia)
User ID: arya2012
Points: 8.9

Before Change After Description Book Member Date
9.9 -1 8.9 mooch cancelled by requestor 8834417712 Lorenzo (Italy) 2020/09/14
8.9 +1 9.9 gave points for mooch request 8834417712 Lorenzo (Italy) 2020/08/02
9.9 -1 8.9 mooch cancelled by requestor 8820034638 Kriss (Italia) 2017/08/28
10.9 -1 9.9 mooch cancelled by requestor 8862560826 RitaDi03 (Italy) 2017/02/17
9.9 +1 10.9 gave points for mooch request 8820034638 Kriss (Italia) 2017/02/11
8.9 +1 9.9 gave points for mooch request 8862560826 RitaDi03 (Italy) 2017/02/03
9.9 -1 8.9 deducted points for mooch request 8811684447 Ale (Italia) 2017/02/02
10.9 -1 9.9 mooch cancelled by requestor BM1345109807236134366 Asja Colombo (Italia) 2014/05/31
9.9 +1 10.9 gave points for mooch request BM1345109807236134366 Asja Colombo (Italia) 2014/05/10
8.9 +1 9.9 gave points for mooch request B007JTFTRY giovanni (Italia) 2014/02/27
7.9 +1 8.9 gave points for mooch request 8830430005 Sabrina :-) (Italy) 2014/02/27
6.9 +1 7.9 gave points for mooch request 8830433233 Savy (Italia) 2014/01/27
6.8 +0.1 6.9 added book to inventory 8820034638 Arya (Italia) 2014/01/26
6.7 +0.1 6.8 added book to inventory BM1345109807236134366 Arya (Italia) 2014/01/26
6.6 +0.1 6.7 added book to inventory BM1284897132423761698 Arya (Italia) 2014/01/26
6.5 +0.1 6.6 added book to inventory BM1248639506137017760 Arya (Italia) 2014/01/26
6.4 +0.1 6.5 added book to inventory 8830433233 Arya (Italia) 2014/01/26
6.3 +0.1 6.4 added book to inventory B007JTFTRY Arya (Italia) 2014/01/26
6.2 +0.1 6.3 added book to inventory 8830430005 Arya (Italia) 2014/01/26
5.2 +1 6.2 gave points for mooch request 8850203187 Andrea (Italy) 2014/01/12
4.2 +1 5.2 gave points for mooch request 8856617331 Mahria (Italy) 2013/12/28
3.2 +1 4.2 gave points for mooch request 8866210056 V (Italia) 2013/11/11
3.1 +0.1 3.2 added book to inventory 8850203187 Arya (Italia) 2013/11/11
3 +0.1 3.1 added book to inventory 8862560826 Arya (Italia) 2013/11/11
2.9 +0.1 3 added book to inventory 8866210056 Arya (Italia) 2013/11/11
2.8 +0.1 2.9 added book to inventory 8834417712 Arya (Italia) 2013/11/11
2.9 -0.1 2.8 removed book from inventory BM1339403040595129643 Arya (Italia) 2013/11/11
3 -0.1 2.9 removed book from inventory BM1327298780863539773 Arya (Italia) 2013/11/11
3.1 -0.1 3 removed book from inventory 8811668328 Arya (Italia) 2013/11/11
4.1 -1 3.1 deducted points for mooch request 8860612659 Elysuperstar (Italy) 2013/11/11
5.1 -1 4.1 deducted points for mooch request B007JTFTRY Xena1607 (Italia) 2013/09/25
5 +0.1 5.1 added book to inventory BM1339403040595129643 Arya (Italia) 2013/05/25
4.9 +0.1 5 added book to inventory 8811668328 Arya (Italia) 2013/05/25
4.8 +0.1 4.9 added book to inventory BM1327298780863539773 Arya (Italia) 2013/05/25
4.7 +0.1 4.8 added book to inventory B002VTOLHQ Arya (Italia) 2013/05/25
3.7 +1 4.7 gave points for mooch request 8842916471 Savy (Italia) 2013/02/27
2.7 +1 3.7 gave points for mooch request 8830409138 Maharet (Italia) 2013/02/27
1.7 +1 2.7 gave points for mooch request 8854122289 Maharet (Italia) 2013/02/27
1.6 +0.1 1.7 added book to inventory 8830409138 Arya (Italia) 2013/02/26
1.5 +0.1 1.6 added book to inventory 8854122289 Arya (Italia) 2013/02/26
1.6 -0.1 1.5 removed book from inventory 8854131113 Arya (Italia) 2013/02/26
1.5 +0.1 1.6 added book to inventory 8854131113 Arya (Italia) 2013/02/26
1.4 +0.1 1.5 added book to inventory 8842916471 Arya (Italia) 2013/02/26
1.3 +0.1 1.4 added book to inventory 8895195639 Arya (Italia) 2013/02/26
1.2 +0.1 1.3 added book to inventory 8895195396 Arya (Italia) 2013/02/26
1.1 +0.1 1.2 added book to inventory 8895195655 Arya (Italia) 2013/02/26
1 +0.1 1.1 added book to inventory 8863310084 Arya (Italia) 2013/02/26
0.9 +0.1 1 added book to inventory 8863310327 Arya (Italia) 2013/02/26
1 -0.1 0.9 removed book from inventory 8846210603 Arya (Italia) 2013/02/25
1.1 -0.1 1 removed book from inventory 0515133876 Arya (Italia) 2013/02/25