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Pending transactions: victoriamc (USA: PA)


Books to send

Book:It Was On Fire When I Lay Down On It (Robert Fulghum)
TSMcClaskie (USA: OH)

Books waiting to receive, which have not been sent

book details

Book title:The Lady and the Unicorn: A Novel
Book author:Tracy Chevalier
Date requested:January 19, 2014 / 11:28 PM
Points from moocher:1
Points to giver:1
Book owner:
Haley (USA: GA)

book details

Book title:The Chronicles of Narnia Boxed Set
Book author:C.S. Lewis
Condition:This is for a set of all the books!
Date requested:January 4, 2015 / 7:29 PM
Points from moocher:3
Points to giver:3
Book owner:
nicoledianthus (Canada)

book details

Book title:The Chronicles of Narnia Boxed Set
Book author:
Date requested:August 15, 2011 / 2:53 PM
Points from moocher:1
Points to giver:1
Book owner:
Samm Burkle (USA: MI)

Books waiting to receive, which have been delayed

book details

Book title:Burning Bright
Book author:Tracy Chevalier
Condition:Like new
Date requested:April 4, 2014 / 11:12 PM
Points from moocher:1
Points to giver:1
Book owner:
marybeth (USA: PA)

book details

Book title:New Moon Collector's Edition
Book author:Stephenie Meyer
Date requested:December 19, 2010 / 5:27 PM
Points from moocher:1
Points to giver:1
Book owner:
HCalais (USA: TN)

Books accepted to send

Book:Side Effects (Woody Allen)
krusty (USA: TX)

book details

Book:Of Mice and Men (John Steinbeck)
Condition:Front cover is missing from this book. All vital pages are there and it includes the back cover. This title is a classic and rather rare here on Bookmooch. I hated to throw it away considering someone may need it for a class or study and the cover doesn't matter. Thanks.
Noah Cooperider (USA: MI)

Books waiting to receive, which have been sent

Book title:Mere Christianity
Book author:C. S. Lewis
Date requested:June 20, 2012 / 2:47 PM
Date sent:July 3, 2012 / 11:33 AM
Points from moocher:1
Points to giver:1
Book owner:
Brittany D. (USA: OH)
Your comment:I want this sent to a friend, will be in touch. PS If the book has excessived wear, smoke odor or pet issues please cancel this order.I'd like a lightly used issue. Thanks.

Book title:1984
Book author:George Orwell
Condition:This used paperback has many pages with underlining. The marks do not obscure the printed words though some readers might not like it. There are a few notes along the edges of pages. Covers are intact with inside pages showing some yellowing.
Date requested:July 10, 2014 / 11:40 AM
Date sent:July 11, 2014 / 8:35 AM
Points from moocher:1
Points to giver:1
Book owner:
Darilee Piner (USA: OH)

Book title:Bad Luck and Trouble
Book author:Lee Child
Date requested:November 16, 2010 / 7:33 PM
Date sent:May 27, 2011 / 7:41 AM
Points from moocher:1
Points to giver:1
Book owner:
gaminocain (USA: CO)

Book title:The Road (Movie Tie-in Edition))
Book author:Cormac Mccarthy
Date requested:January 15, 2011 / 9:54 PM
Date sent:January 22, 2011 / 5:17 PM
Points from moocher:1
Points to giver:1
Book owner:
ValerieW (USA: KS)