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Pending transactions: Steph (Canada)

Books which have been sent

book details

Book title:Names My Sisters Call Me
Book author:Megan Crane
Condition:this is an advanced reader's copy. perfect condition *pleased see my profile for shipping schedule* *do not mooch if you don't want to wait*
Date requested:October 1, 2008 / 4:12 PM
Date sent:May 13, 2009 / 7:28 AM
Points from moocher:2
Points to giver:3
kgm (USA: MS)

book details

Book title:My One Hundred Adventures
Book author:Polly Horvath
Condition:This copy is an ARC (advanced reader's copy) There is a stamp marking on the inside. It is in otherwise great condition It is NOT hardcover, this version is paperback. The cover image is identical.
Date requested:September 13, 2008 / 7:45 AM
Date sent:May 13, 2009 / 7:30 AM
Points from moocher:2
Points to giver:3
sue (USA: MA)