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Pending transactions: Reader to Reader (USA: MA)

Books waiting to receive, which have not been sent

Book title:So B. It
Book author:Sarah Weeks
Condition:Practically new!
Date requested:January 23, 2018 / 10:23 AM
Points from moocher:1
Points to giver:1
Book owner:
Camille (USA: DC)
Your comment:This book will be read by students in underprivileged schools. Thank you!

Books to receive, accepted by sender

Book title:Macbeth (The Pelican Shakespeare)
Book author:William Shakespeare
Date requested:December 14, 2017 / 8:27 AM
Points from moocher:1
Points to giver:1
Book owner:
Mikki (USA: NY)
Your comment:This book will be used to build library holdings in low-income schools.