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Pending transactions: Marcia (USA: NJ)

Books waiting to receive, which have not been sent

book details

Book title:Roaring Lambs
Book author:Robert Briner
Condition:the plastic cover on the paper is pealing up. and its dog-eared. I wrote my name on the first page (used it for school)
Date requested:April 8, 2010 / 12:13 PM
Points from moocher:1
Points to giver:1
Book owner:
Tasha (USA: CA)

Book title:Guerrilla Marketing Excellence: The 50 Golden Rules for Small-Business Success (Guerrilla Marketing)
Book author:Jay Conrad Levinson
Date requested:April 8, 2010 / 12:15 PM
Points from moocher:1
Points to giver:1
Book owner:
Kathleen (USA: FL)

book details

Book title:Planning Your Pregnancy and Birth, Third Edition
Book author:American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists
Date requested:June 16, 2010 / 7:26 AM
Points from moocher:1
Points to giver:1
Book owner:
Melanie (USA: VA)