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Pending transactions: The BookHunter (USA: IL)

Books to receive, accepted by sender

Book title:If I Ruled the World
Book author:Gyles Brandreth
Condition:Has some writing on the inside. LOCAL MOOCHERS: I can send this to you for free if you mooch one book. I'll charity back one point when you mooch.
Date requested:January 25, 2009 / 5:53 AM
Points from moocher:2
Points to giver:3
Book owner:
grinningghoul (Philippines)
Your comment:Please let me know when you can ship it. And how long they estimate shipping will take,I have patience,I will wait as long as I need to. I REALLY want this book. Also, if you are able to send it soon, if there is any 2 things on my list that you would like, mooch 1 and tell me the other, and I will add it for free.(it may take me 2 weeks to ship also, I get paid 2 times a month.) Thank you! Jeny

Books waiting to receive, which have been sent

Book title:AVATAR The Last Airbender The Lost Scrolls Water
Book author:Michael Teitelbaum
Date requested:February 12, 2009 / 9:08 PM
Date sent:February 25, 2009 / 8:04 AM
Points from moocher:1
Points to giver:1
Book owner:
Annette Boehm (USA: WA)
Your comment:I am mooching this book for a friend. Please accept and let me know when it ships. Thank you so much!