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Pending transactions: Bryan (USA: IL)

Books waiting to receive, which have been delayed

book details

Book title:Why Beautiful People Have More Daughters: From Dating, Shopping, and Praying to Going to War and Becoming a Billionaire-- Two Evolutionary Psychologists Explain Why We Do What We Do
Book author:Alan S. Miller
Condition:Second-hand but in good condition
Date requested:February 4, 2011 / 8:39 PM
Points from moocher:1
Points to giver:1
Book owner:
Miss Bella (USA: GA)
Your comment:I saw this book in a shop years ago. Sounds interesting!

Books to receive, accepted by sender

book details

Book title:Aristotle and an Aardvark Go to Washington: Understanding Political Doublespeak Through Philosophy and Jokes
Book author:Thomas Cathcart
Date requested:December 10, 2010 / 5:46 AM
Points from moocher:1
Points to giver:1
Book owner:
Briana (USA: WV)
Your comment:Thank you!