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Books mooched : Clint Hudson (USA: IA)

book details

The Dream Giver
Author:Bruce Wilkinson
my request was rejected by the book owner
Owner comment:sorry I cant find the book, dont know if my daughter took it when she moved. sorry
Book giver:jeanne (USA: MI)
Date requested:April 28, 2011 / 12:18 PM
Date concluded:April 29, 2011 / 7:26 AM

book details

Captains Courageous (Bantam Classic)
Author:Rudyard Kipling
I received this book
Book giver:Temma H. (USA: CA)
Date requested:July 5, 2010 / 8:22 PM
Date concluded:November 9, 2010 / 9:55 AM

book details

Captains Courageous
Author:Rudyard Kipling
my request was rejected by the book owner
Feedback left:(+0): I understand that I can't have the book because the member no longer has it to send, but it should not have been in inventory to begin with if this was the case.
Owner comment:I'm so sorry, but I no longer have this book. I had updated my inventory several months ago to take all of the books out, but some of the books remained in my inventory. I have now updated it to show that I have no books to send. And I explained to you in my email that I HAD thought I had removed all of the inventory several months ago. So sorry that you couldn't be a bit more understanding about this situation.
Book giver:Kris in TN (USA: TN)
Condition:smaller paperback w/different cover
Date requested:July 2, 2010 / 4:02 PM
Date concluded:July 4, 2010 / 5:20 AM

Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules
Author:Jeff Kinney
I received this book
Feedback left:(+1): We got the book this morning! Thanks a ton!
Book giver:MaxBialystock (USA: CO)
Condition:Almost new, just some wear on the spine
Date requested:March 5, 2010 / 8:35 PM
Date concluded:March 12, 2010 / 7:31 AM