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MoochBar: mooch books directly from Amazon | |

The Moochbar lets you use Amazon to find books you want, then get the book for free from BookMooch, instead of paying for the book.
The Moochbar also imports books from any web page that contains 10-digit ISBN book numbers, such as ABE Books, alibris and Barnes & Noble as well as Amazon ListMania and Amazon Media Library.
You can also add books to your inventory (books that you want to give away) using the Moochbar.
From within Amazon, click the "Mooch" button in your web browser
to see if that book exists at BookMooch. If it does, you can "mooch" the book, and if it doesn't, you can add
it to your BookMooch wishlist, to be notified when it becomes available.

To install:
- Most web browsers:
- Drag this link to your toolbar: "Mooch"
- If that doesn't work, try the instructions below for your particular browser.
- Internet Explorer (Windows):
- Make sure that your "links" toolbar is visible. If not, click "View > Toolbars > Links".
- Right-click this link and drag it to your toolbar: "Mooch"
- Select "Add to Favorites..." from the menu that appears after you right click. (If a "Security Alert" window pops up, click yes and proceed.)
- Click the "Create in >>" button and choose to Create In the "Links" folder
- Click OK.
- Internet Explorer Mac:
- Make sure that your "links" toolbar is visible. If you don't see it click "View > Favorites Bar".
- Drag this link to your toolbar: "Mooch"
- Firefox
- Make sure that your links toolbar is visible. If you don't see it click "View > Toolbars > Bookmarks Toolbar"
- Right-click this link: "Mooch"
- Choose "Bookmark this link"
- Choose "Create in Bookmarks toolbar"
A one minute movie shows how to install and use the Moochbar:
Find books at: Amazon.com,
ABE Books,
Barnes & Noble.
Click: the toolbar shortcut you added in the previous step (in Internet Explorer, this may be in the "links" folder on your toolbar)
OK: if the book exists in our network, we'll ask to have it sent to you for free (that's what "mooching" is). If we don't have it, add it to your
wishlist and you'll get an email when it's available for free from BookMooch. Or put it in the "save for later" list of books you may someday want.
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