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Bantam Travel Bks Bantam Illustrated World Atlas: A Vivid and Informative Picture of the Earth0
Bantam Books Practical guide to mobile homes0
Bantam Doubleday Dell Portraits of Little Women Teacher Activity Kit0
Bantam Doubleday Dell Brian's Winter Teacher's Guide0
Bantam Doubleday Dell Belle Prater's Boy Teachers Guide0
Bantam Doubleday Dell Cobtown in Store Activity Kit [With In Store Activity Kit]0
Bantam Doubleday Dell July Value-24 Copy Prepak0
Bantam Doubleday Dell Choose Your Own Adventure #01-Boxed Set 5 Vols.0
Bantam Travel Bks NEW YORK CITY 19910

William Shakespeare Hamlet (Bantam Classics)0
Mark Twain The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (Bantam Classics)0
Stephen Crane The Red Badge of Courage (Bantam Classics)3
Wilson Rawls Summer of the Monkeys (Bantam Starfire Books)1
William Shakespeare The Tempest (Bantam Classics)2
James Fenimore Cooper The Last of the Mohicans (Bantam Classics)0
Betsy Haynes The Great Mom Swap (Bantam Skylark Book)1
Robert Louis Stevenson Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (Bantam Classic)0
Lurlene Mcdaniel Time to Let Go (A Bantam Starfire Book)0
Gregory Benford Heart of the Comet (A Bantam Spectra Book)0
Henrik Ibsen Four Great Plays by Henrik Ibsen (Bantam Classics)0
Allen Mandelbaum The Aeneid of Virgil (Bantam Classics)0
Theodora Kroeber Ishi, the Last of His Tribe (Bantam Starfire Books)0
William Shakespeare A Midsummer Night's Dream (Bantam Classics)0
Nathaniel Hawthorne The House of Seven Gables (Bantam Classics)0
Thomas Hardy The Return of the Native (Bantam Classic)1
Charles Dickens Great Expectations (Bantam Classic)0
William Shakespeare Romeo and Juliet (Bantam Classic)0
Jack London Call of The Wild, White Fang (Bantam Classics)0
L.M. Montgomery ANNE OF GREEN GABLES (Bantam Starfire Book)0
Stephen Crane Maggie: A Girl of the Streets and Other Short Fiction (Bantam Classic)0
William Shakespeare Much Ado About Nothing (Bantam Classic)0
Moses Hadas Greek Drama (Bantam Classics)0
Angus Wells The Guardian (Bantam Spectra Book)1
Francine Pascal Standing Out (Sweet Valley Twins #25) (A Bantam-Skylark Book)0
Jane Austen Pride and Prejudice (Bantam Classics)0
Wilson Rawls Where the Red Fern Grows (A Bantam Starfire Book)0
Charles Dickens A Christmas Carol (Bantam Classic)0
William Shakespeare Othello (Bantam Classics)0
Edith Wharton Ethan Frome and Other Short Stories (Bantam Classic)0
Jules Verne Around the World in Eighty Days (Bantam Classics)0
Dominick Dunne A Season in Purgatory (Bantam Books)0
Lurlene Mcdaniel When Happily Ever After Ends (Bantam Starfire Books)0
Susan Beth Pfeffer The Year Without Michael (Bantam Starfire Book)0
William Shakespeare The Merchant of Venice (Bantam Classics)0
Herman Melville Billy Budd, Sailor & Other Stories (Bantam Classic)0
William Shakespeare Macbeth (Bantam Classics)0
Jamie Suzanne Tug of War (A Bantam-Skylark Book)1
Isaac Asimov Nightfall (Bantam Spectra Book)0
H.G. Wells The War of the Worlds (Bantam Classics)0
Frank B. Gilbreth Cheaper by the Dozen (A Bantam Starfire Book)0


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