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Transaction details

Status:lost in the mail: the owner says they sent this book, but I never received it
Book moocher:
Saturnine (USA: RI)
Giver comment:Sorry, this book appears to have been lost in the mail. I have not received any acknowledgement from the requestor, and all attempts to mail or remind them have failed (emails failed to deliver and were returned to me instantly).
Book giver:
Eimear O'Sullivan (Ireland)
Book Title:The Shadow of the Wind
Book Author:Carlos Ruiz Zafon
Condition:A previous mooch, was like new when I received it and still practically is, just a bit of creasing on spine as you would expect!
Date requested:April 10, 2010 / 9:34 AM
Date concluded:October 7, 2010 / 1:08 AM
book details