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Status:I received this book
Book moocher:
Rena (Israel)
Cost to moocher:1
Points for giver:1
Feedback left:(+1): thank you soo much!
Book giver:
Abner Klein (Israel)
Book Title:The Outcast
Book Author:Sadie Jones
Condition:This book is reserved for Rena until Novemberber 20,2008. The ISBN is more than 10 digits and when I tried to enter the book by hand, it refused to appear on my inventory list. I added this similar edition instead. The book I have is a large-format paperback published by Vintage London with 444 pages (larger than usual print for a paperback). Although it's obviously not new, it's in good condition.
Date requested:November 12, 2008 / 11:39 PM
Date concluded:November 23, 2008 / 7:16 AM
book details