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Status:I received this book
Book moocher:
Ivan (Serbia)
Cost to moocher:2
Points for giver:3
Feedback left:(+1):
Book giver:
Jennifer (USA: ME)
Book Title:The Two Towers (The Lord of the Rings, Part 2)
Book Author:J.R.R. Tolkien
Condition:DIFFERENT COVER - ACTUALLY MOVIE TIE-IN EDITION. So if you hate MTIs, don't mooch this. Otherwise, no rips or tears or creases. Pages slightly yellow. Binding tight. Excellent reading copy. Just has the guy who played Saruman on the cover and not the rocks and tower.
Date requested:January 18, 2011 / 5:51 PM
Date concluded:February 22, 2011 / 9:47 AM