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Status:I received this book
Book moocher:
NinaBryna (Israel)
Cost to moocher:1
Points for giver:1
Feedback left:(+1): The book looks great, I hadn't realized it was a harcover book. Thanks for the secure packaing which is now being recycled to another moocher.
Book giver:
Abner Klein (Israel)
Book Title:The Joe Leaphorn Mysteries: Three Classic Hillerman Mysteries Featuring Lt. Joe Leaphorn: The Blessing Way/Dance Hall of the Dead/Listening Woman
Book Author:Tony Hillerman
Condition:The dust cover is worn at the corners but the book itself is in very good shape.
Date requested:October 18, 2009 / 12:42 PM
Date concluded:October 29, 2009 / 8:28 AM
book details