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Transaction details

Status:I received this book
Book moocher:
Michelle (Australia)
Cost to moocher:2
Points for giver:3
Feedback left:(+1): Conditon as stated, well packed, received quickly. Many thanks, M
Book giver:
catia alex (Portugal)
Book Title:Edgar Sawtelle
Book Author:David Wroblewski
Condition:the book is in english. has a different cover. it´s a previous mooch but is in good shape. it´s a massive paperback. has a sticker price in the back and numbers written in pencil on the first page. due to financal dificulties i will only send this book in the end of the month, when i recive, and will send it the most economic way possible. livro em inglÊS. capa é outra. mooch anterior, mas está em bom estado. é grande. tem o preço na capa de trás e numeros escritos a lápis na primeira página. só vou poder enviar este qd receber, mesmo sendo para Portugal.
Date requested:June 18, 2010 / 12:47 AM
Date concluded:June 28, 2010 / 6:28 AM
book details