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Transaction details

Status:I received this book
Book moocher:
MichelleK (Switzerland)
Cost to moocher:2
Points for giver:3
Feedback left:(+1): paper wrapping was torn on one side and therefore a few pages were dog-eared. thanks for quick sending!
Giver comment:very, very sorry for that! Deutsche Post will not allow sealed packages for Büchersendung (book rate) but I have mostly had good luck. Please email me if you want your points back. I want you to have only great experiences mooching with me!
Book giver:
Kathee (Germany)
Book Title:A Man Named Dave
Book Author:Dave Pelzer
Date requested:January 5, 2011 / 9:07 AM
Date concluded:January 19, 2011 / 7:01 AM
book details