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Transaction details

Status:my request was rejected by the book owner
Book moocher:
MarchRose (Italy)
Giver comment:Hi I am so sorry, but like I mentioned before you mooched I was afraid I would not be able to find it, since I seem to have misplaced a whole box of bookmooch books. If I managed to find it, I will contact you in case you are still interested. Sorry yet again
Book giver:
T (Portugal)
Book Title:Devils Bargain
Book Author:Karen Harbaugh
Condition:Excellent condition, just some wear to the edges of the cover. No writing, smells, stamps, etc. Spine intact and glossy.
Date requested:July 16, 2009 / 2:28 PM
Date concluded:July 18, 2009 / 7:50 AM
book details