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Status:I received this book
Book moocher:
JSmiley (USA: IL)
Cost to moocher:1
Points for giver:1
Feedback left:(+1): The book is in great shape, except for strong smoke smell. I'm hoping that will come out with a bit of effort. Otherwise, great mooch. Thanks.
Giver comment:I am sorry I didn't smell it before I sent it. I got it at a yard sale. Now that I stick my nose in the other books I got there, I notice it. Will note in the conditions for those. Thanks. Again, sorry.
Book giver:
rachelaine (USA: OH)
Book Title:One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish (I Can Read It All by Myself Beginner Books)
Book Author:Dr. Seuss
Condition:Name scribbled out on first page.
Date requested:June 7, 2009 / 1:12 PM
Date concluded:June 14, 2009 / 6:02 PM