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Transaction details

Status:I received this book
Book moocher:
Permaculture House in Totnes (United Kingdom)
Cost to moocher:2
Points for giver:3
Feedback left:(+1): Thank you - I'm dying to read it!
Book giver:
T (Portugal)
Book Title:The Factory of Light: Tales from My Andalucian Village
Book Author:Michael Jacobs
Condition:Practically as new - no spine cracks or signs of wear, if anything just shelfwear from a paperback sitting on a shelf. Price sticker on the back cover - easy to remove without a trace, this bookstore´s price stickers unpeel easily.
Date requested:April 4, 2009 / 2:08 AM
Date concluded:May 8, 2009 / 1:51 PM
book details