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Author Title 
Back in the High Life
Fitness Magazine February 2009: Drop 10 Lbs. This Month
Rationalizations to Live By
Traditional Home Magazine May 2009 Issue
TV Guide March 2-8, 2009: Cheryl Burke
Wild West (Colorpoint Paintstitching)
John AltmanDeception
Jack AndersonMillennium
Barbara De AngelisSecrets About Men Every Woman Should Know
Michael BoodroMartha Stewart Living April 2009 Spring's Brightest Ideas! (Fresh Takes on Classics)
Carol BotwinLove Lives: Why Women Behave the Way They Do in Relationships
Burke BoyceMan from Mt. Vernon
H. Jackson BrownLife's Little Instruction Book; Volume II
Bruce BruceBaby James Brown
Art. BuchwaldHave I Ever Lied To You? Humorous Esays.
Lee ButcherThe condominium book: A guide to getting the most for your money
Polly CarbonariA Year of Fashion - September (Leisure Arts, Leaflet 2708)
Editor-in-Chief Jane ChesnuttWoman's Day Christmas Spirit December 1, 2009
Editor-in-Chief Jane ChesnuttWoman's Day January 2010
Editor-in-Chief Jane ChesnuttWoman's Day September 15, 2009 Volume No. 72, Issue No. 15