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Messages: Inventory deals and specials


OFFER ENDS 11/1.****

4 years ago
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(5 months, 23 days ago)This offer was from THREE YEARS AGO...OBVIOUSLY NO LONGER OFFERED, BUT no way TO REMOVE...
"What if it's us" duology by Becky Albertalli and Adam Silvera

I have both books in this duology available, 2 for 1 (mooch both and I'll smooch a point back)

1 year ago
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85 Books (mostly for young readers) just posted - Deals offered

Please, check out my Inventory. I just posted 85 books. The vast majority are books for young readers, but I have some novels for adults and a few parenting books posted, as well.

And, I am offering deals, if you mooch more than one book from me. The deals are: 4 books for 2 points, 6 books for 3 points, 8 books for 4 points, etc.

Thank you.

Lori B
4 years ago
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Fashion / Shopping / Chick Lit

Fashion / Shopping / Chick Lit special!

Get all 6 books from this genre, for only 2 points. Includes some of the biggest name authors in this genre, including:

Kimberly Cates - The Wedding Dresses
Sophie Kinsella - Confessions of a Shopaholic
Lauren Weisberger - The Devil Wears Prada
Melissa de la Cruz - Cat's Meow
Meg Cabot - Size 14 is not Fat Either
Lucy Sykes and Jo Piazza - The Knockoff

Boston Bookcrossing
4 years ago
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(4 years ago)Only 6 left - mooch all for only 2 points! Kimberly Cates - The Wedding Dresses Sophie Kinsella - Confessions of a Shopaholic Lauren Weisberger - The Devil Wears Prada Melissa de la Cruz - Cat's Meow Meg Cabot - Size 14 is not Fat Either Lucy Sykes and Jo Piazza - The Knockoff
Boston Bookcrossing
Book deals

I just added 22, less than perfect books, to my inventory. Most of them are, mystery/thrillers, but a few of them are horror novels.

I added several children books yesterday.

I am offering deals, if you request more than one book from me. They are, 4 books for 2 points; 6 books for 3 points; 8 books for 4 points, etc.

Just mooch the books you want and I will smooch points back to you, when you mark the books, Received.

So, please check out my inventory and happy mooching!

Thank you.

Lori B
4 years ago

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(4 years ago)Hi, If you go to my post and click on my name, you should be brought to my Home Page. Thank you for your interest, Lori
Lori B
(4 years ago)Hi Lori, How are you to be contacted? I've tried plugging in your name/state, but that has never worked for me... Thanks, Patti
make a deal

make a deal, all offers will be considered

4 years ago
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**2 for 1 Deal on Historical Romance Novels**

Do you love historical romance novels? Well, I do and well...I need to get rid of some to make room for all of the ones I have yet to read :) Until further notice, I will be smooching you back a point when you mooch 2 HR books from me. I look forward to hearing from you!

Stay safe and thanks,


4 years ago
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************ONE SMOOCH BACK FOR EVERY 2 BOOKS YOU MOOCH**************

HI, I have one small book case, with 170 books in it, and 500 more to put in my inventory...please help me out! For every 2 books you mooch, I'll smooch you back one point when I mail them. I love large mooches, and they save me postage!

I'm moving in the spring, and I do NOT want to move all these books with me! The local library would be happy, but I'd rather help out you Moochers, and do a 2-fer-one deal!

So for every 2 books you mooch, I'll send you a smooch. If you mooch 6 books, I'll send you 3 smooches, and toss in a freebie. THIS OFFER ENDS NOVEMBER 18, then I'll purge the bookcase, and start all over again, back to normal, with all new books.

6 years ago
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Always happy to do a 2/1 or better

I will do better for large orders, let me know. Just listed some William Tappley for those who like mystery. Some are ex-library books. Have a variety on my inventory.

6 years ago
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3 for 1 Christian Fiction - Women's and Teen's

I just posted a lot of paperbacks that need a new home. If you request 3, I'll smooch you back one. :)

7 years ago
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DVD offered on topic of Managing Your Blood Thinner

This DVD is from the Mayo Clinic's patient education department.
Full Title: "Taking Warfarin: How to manage your 'blood thinner' "
Length: only 15 minutes
Copyright 2006
Explains how to manage warfarin levels. Explains how anticoagulants work. What tests are done to determine the dose you need. And etcetera.
I would like a point for sending this anyone who needs it, or any library etc that wants to keep this on hand to lend to interested persons.
Thank you.

7 years ago
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free to a good home!

Hi all, i have a sports and Americana auction catalog in my inventory, perfect for sports fans. It's in good shape, so i don't want to toss it. I'd just like it to go to a fan so if you mooch it, ill smooch your point right back and send it on. Thanks!

7 years ago
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3 for 1 on Harlequin Romances

Mooch 3 books at the same time and when I mail the books out I will return your 2 points

7 years ago
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10 for 5

Mooch 10 books from me and I will smooch 5 points back to you.

John Vernon Scott

John Vernon Scott
8 years ago
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Offer a deal on my inventory. All offers will be considered.

8 years ago
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Inventory Deal

All paperback books are four for three points, for a limited time. All other things in my inventory (CD-ROMs, movies, hardcovers) are six for five points. And all mixed orders are five for four points. Order everything you want, and I'll smooch you back the applicable amount of points.

8 years ago
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Inventory deals!

All Harlequins & Silhouttes are two for one... mooch both and I'll Smooch you a point when I mail.

All recipe booklets (Betty Crocker, etc.) are three for one... I'll Smooch you two points when I mail.

9 years ago
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Inventory clean out!

Domestic 2 for 1 or 5 for 2.

International 3 for 2 ONLY if all three fit in a flat rate envelope.

You can either email me and tell me what you want or just mooch them.


9 years ago
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Deal offered on newly listed Diana Palmer Silhouettes

Hi, I just listed almost 2 dozen Diana Palmer paperbacks, all in VG or like new condition.
All of these must go!
Offering 2 for one -- select one book and email me which one you want sent with it. Make sure I can match your email or name with the handle you go by on this site.
You can even offer some kind of deal for a box full.
Here is list, I will cross off ones that get taken as they are taken:

DIANA PALMER novels, all pocket-size paperbacks:
All in Like New or Very Good condition.
To Love and Cherish 9780373363971
A Man of Means 9780373363780
Nora 9780373363902
Coltrain's Proposal 9780373363773
Rage of Passion 9780373363810
The Patient Nurse 9780373364077
Heart of Ice 9780373363858
Trilby 9780373364015
The Princess Bride 9780373363766
Enamored 9780373364053
Lionhearted 9780373363797
The Australian 9780373363995
Long Tall and Tempted 9780373363988
Circle of Gold 9780373363742
That Burke Man 9780373363735
September Morning 9780373364114
Beloved 9780373363834
Callaghan's Bride 9780373363636, crease on back cover

9 years ago
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(9 years ago)Rage of Passion, and Beloved have been claimed.
National Geographic Magazine

National Geographic Magazine (in english)
Dec 2009 - Dec 2014 (61 issues total)

They can be read, reread, cut up for collage, etc.

I'm happy to send multiple issues for very few points! Just make me an offer ;)

9 years ago
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