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Huldah Buntain : Pathway to the Impossible

Author: Huldah Buntain
Title: Pathway to the Impossible
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Binding: Paperback
Pages: 226
Date: 2009-1
ISBN: BM1700960004758217706
Publisher: Calcutta Mercy Ministries
Latest: 2023/11/25
Weight: 0.85 pounds
Description: When her husband, Mark, died in 1989, Huldah Buntain was left alone in a city thousands of miles from the comfort of her family in the United States. All around her, in a country of destitution and great need, many looked to her to exhibit the great faith and confidence that her husband had so amply embodied in their ministry. Having to face his death and look to God as her guide, Huldah's call became clear: "One day at a time, one step at a time." The path to the impossible that stretched on before her was far from an easy road. Yet, with extraordinary faith, a broad vision and a lot of hard work, Huldah commissioned her life to Christ and carried on the work of serving the poor in India, which has grown to include hundreds of churches, schools, and orphanages in addition to a thriving hospital, rural clinics, and a school of nursing. Through a journey of faith and discipleship, Huldah teaches us that success is not based on our ability to perform but rather our ability to listen to God's voice and obey His leadings.