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Editors of McCall's Quilting : McCall's Quilting, May/June 2001 Issue

Author: Editors of McCall's Quilting
Title: McCall's Quilting, May/June 2001 Issue
Moochable copies: No copies available
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 84
Date: 2001-6
ISBN: BM1216653047633537477
Publisher: Primedia Publishing
Previous givers: 2 theveryidea (USA: MI), Heather (USA: AZ)
Previous moochers: 2 ScarletTisa (USA: OR), Valerie LaMont (USA: PA)
Description: Includes:
* Quilt for a Cure - Spring for a Cure
* Cape Cottages - Deep, dark blue prints against a white background create a community of homes
* Baskets Galore - Charming basket-laden wall hanging
* Grandma's Flower Basket - Colorful Batik flowers on an enchanting miniature quilt
* Just Ducky - This appliqued duck quilt is perfect for Father's Day
* Taking the Mystery Out of Border Prints, Part 2
* Gentle Moments - Perfect for all those antique fabrics you've been collecting
* Robert Callaham's Series Quilt: Album of Memories, Part 2
* and more