: The King of Kings - Criterion Collection
The King of Kings - Criterion Collection
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Amazon suggests:
The Gospel According to St. Matthew
King of Kings
The Greatest Story Ever Told (Movie Only Edition)
Jesus of Montreal
The Life and Passion of Jesus Christ / From the Manger to the
Actors & Actresses
Christian DVD
Criterion Collection
Cumming, Dorothy
Demille, Cecil B
Feature Films
Grasse, Sam De
Kids & Family
LL Cool J.
Labelle, Rob
Labiosa, David
Labonarska, Halina
Laborteaux, Matthew
Laborteaux, Patrick
Labourier, Dominique
Lacause, Sebastian
Lacey, Ronald
Lack, Stephen
Lacroix, Peter
Lacy, Jerry
Ladalski, John
Ladd, Alan
Ladd, Cheryl
Ladd, David
Ladd, Diane
Ladd, Jordan
Ladengast, Walter
Ladman, Cathy
Laffan, Pat
Lafleur, Art
Lafortune, Roc
Lagos, Chelsea
Lahr, Bert
Lahti, Christine
Lai, Leon
Lail, Leah
Lain, Chasey
Lake, Don
Lake, Michael
Lake, Ricki
Lake, Veronica
Lakes, Gary
Lala, Joe
Lally, Krista
Lally, Mick
Lalumia, Drinda
Lam, Benny
Lam, Bowie
Lam, George
Lam, Sandy
Lam, Wilson
Lamarr, Hedy
Lamas, Fernando
Lamas, Lorenzo
Lamb, Debra
Lamberg, Adam
Lambert, Christopher
Lambert, Jack
Lambert, Paul
Lambrecht, Yves
Lamont, Duncan
Lamontagne, Cynthia
Lamor, Maria
Lamour, Dorothy
Lampe, Jutta
Lampert, Zohra
Lampreave, Chus
Lancaster, Burt
Lancaster, James
Lanchester, Elsa
Land, Geoffrey
Land, Paul
Landau, David
Landau, Juliet
Landau, Martin
Landen, Dinsdale
Lander, David L
Landers, Audrey
Landers, Harry
Landers, Judy
Landes, Michael
Landey, Clayton
Landgut, Inge
Landham, Sonny
Landi, Elissa
Landi, Sal
Landis, Carole
Landis, Jessie Royce
Landis, John
Lando, Joe
Landon, Laurene
Landon, Michael
Landor, Rosalyn
Landry, Karen
Landry, Tamara
Landsberg, David
Lane, Allan
Lane, Charles
Lane, Diane
Lane, Lenita
Lane, Lola
Lane, Mike
Lane, Nathan
Lane, Priscilla
Lane, Richard
Lang, Howard
Lang, Katherine Kelly
Lang, Perry
Lang, Stephen
Langan, Glenn
Langdon, Harry
Langdon, Libby
Langdon, Sue Ane
Lange, Hope
Lange, Jessica
Langella, Frank
Langenkamp, Heather
Langford, Frances
Langlois, Lisa
Langrick, Margaret
Langridge, Philip
Langrishe, Barry
Langston, Murray
Langton, Brooke
Langton, David
Langton, Jeff
Langton, Paul
Lanier, Jane
Lankford, Kim
Lano, Jenya
Lano, Michael De
Lanoux, Victor
Lansbury, Angela
Lansing, Joi
Lansing, Robert
Lanza, Mario
Lapotaire, Jane
Lara, Joe
Larch, John
Laresca, Vincent
Large, Norman
Larken, Sheila
Larkin, Bryan
Larkin, Samantha
Larose, Scott
Larriva, Tito
Larroquette, John
Larsen, Keith
Larson, Bob
Larson, Darrell
Larson, Jack
Larson, Paul
Larson, Steve
Larson, Wolf
Lascher, David
Lashly, James
Laska, Ray
Laskey, Kathleen
Laskin, Michael
Lasky, Zane
Lassander, Dagmar
Lasser, Louise
Lassez, Sarah
Lassick, Sydney
Latham, Louise
Lathan, Sanaa
Lathem, Laurie
Latifah, Queen
Latimore, Frank
Lattanzi, Matt
Lau, Andy
Lau, Annabelle
Lau, Billy
Lau, Carina
Lau, Damian
Lauchu, Carlos
Lauer, Andrew
Lauer, Justin
Laughlin, John
Laughlin, Tom
Laughton, Charles
Lauper, Cyndi
Laurance, Matthew
Laurel, Stan
Lauren, Greg
Lauren, Tammy
Lauren, Veronica
Laurence, Ashley
Laurence, David
Laurenson, James
Lauria, Dan
Laurie, Hugh
Laurie, John
Laurie, Piper
Laurier, Lucie
Lauter, Ed
Lauter, Harry
Lauterbach, Heiner
Lautner, Kathrin
Lavanant, Dominique
Lavi, Daliah
Lavia, Gabriele
Lavin, Linda
Law, Bonnie
Law, John Phillip
Law, Jude
Law, Phyllida
Lawford, Christopher
Lawford, Peter
Lawless, Lucy
Lawrence, Andrew
Lawrence, Barbara
Lawrence, Bruno
Lawrence, Elizabeth
Lawrence, Josie
Lawrence, Marc
Lawrence, Mark Christopher
Lawrence, Martin
Lawrence, Rosina
Lawrence, Scott
Lawrence, Steve
Lawson, Denis
Lawson, Leigh
Lawson, Richard
Lawson, Shannon
Lawson, Wilfrid
Lawton, Frank
Layden, Kate
Laye, Evelyn
Lazar, Ava
Lazard, Justin
Lazarev, Yevgeni
Lazenby, George
Le, Bruce
Le, Hiep Thi
Le, Thuy Thy
Lea, Derek
Lea, Nicholas
Leach, Jackson
Leach, Rosemary
Leachman, Cloris
Leaf, Richard
Leardini, Christina
Learned, Michael
Leary, Denis
Leary, Timothy
Lease, Rex
Lebeau, Mikey
Leblanc, Diana
Leblanc, Matt
Leclerc, Ginette
Ledebur, Frederick
Lederer, Francis
Lederer, Helen
Ledoux, Fernand
Ledoyen, Virginie
Lee, Anna
Lee, Belinda
Lee, Bernard
Lee, Brandon
Lee, Bruce
Lee, Canada
Lee, Carl
Lee, Christopher
Lee, Conan
Lee, Danny
Lee, Elizabeth
Lee, Eric
Lee, Gypsy Rose
Lee, Jason
Lee, Jason Scott
Lee, Jennifer
Lee, Jesse
Lee, Joie
Lee, Lila
Lee, Loletta
Lee, Margo
Lee, Mark
Lee, Mary
Lee, Michael
Lee, Michele
Lee, Miki
Lee, Mushond
Lee, Pat
Lee, Peggy
Lee, Robbie
Lee, Rudy
Lee, Shannon
Lee, Sheryl
Lee, Spike
Lee, Stephen
Lee, Thelma
Lee, Waise
Leeder, Stephen
Leeds, Andrea
Leeds, Marcie
Leeds, Peter
Leeves, Jane
Lefevre, Adam
Legault, Lance
Legere, Phoebe
Leguizamo, John
Lei, Huang
Lei, Lydia
Leibman, Ron
Leifer, Carol
Leigh, Barbara
Leigh, Janet
Leigh, Jennifer Jason
Leigh, Spencer
Leigh, Steven Vincent
Leigh, Suzanna
Leigh, Tara
Leigh, Vivien
Leighton, Margaret
Leisure, David
Leitch, Donovan
Leitch, Megan
Lelliott, Jeremy
Lemaire, Philippe
Lembeck, Harvey
Lembeck, Michael
Lemke, David
Lemke, Roger
Lemmon, Chris
Lemmon, Jack
Lemmons, Kasi
Lemon, Ben
Lemper, Ute
Lenard, Mark
Lennix, Harry J
Lennon, Jarrett
Lennon, John
Lennon, Julian
Lennon, Robert
Lennox, Annie
Lennox, Kai
Leno, Jay
Lenska, Rula
Lenya, Lotte
Lenz, Kay
Lenz, Rick
Leo, Frank Di
Leo, Melissa Chessington
Leon, Carol Mitchell
Leon, Nina Peschcke
Leonard, Jack E
Leonard, Lu
Leonard, Robert Sean
Leonard, Sheldon
Leonardi, Marco
Leone, Maria
Leong, Page
Leopardi, Chauncey
Lepage, Gaston
Leparmentier, Richard
Lercara, Courtney
Lerman, April
Lerner, Ken
Lerner, Michael
Leroux, Maxime
Leslie, Bethel
Leslie, Joan
Leslie, Nan
Lesseos, Mimi
Lesser, Len
Lessy, Ben
Lester, Bruce
Lester, Mark
Lester, Ron
Leto, Jared
Letscher, Matt
Lett, Dan
Letterman, David
Lettieri, Al
Leung Chiu Wai, Tony
Leung, Gigi
Leung, Jade
Levant, Oscar
Levels, Calvin
Levene, Sam
Leverington, Shelby
Levin, Matt
Levine, Floyd
Levine, James
Levine, Jerry
Levine, Ted
Levine, Walter
Levisetti, Emile
Levitas, Andrew
Levitch, Ashlee
Levitt, Steve
Levka, Uta
Levy, Eugene
Levy, Salvador
Lew, James
Lewis, Al
Lewis, Charlotte
Lewis, Clea
Lewis, Daniel Day
Lewis, Dawnn
Lewis, Fiona
Lewis, Forrest
Lewis, Geoffrey
Lewis, George
Lewis, George J
Lewis, Gilbert
Lewis, Huey
Lewis, Jenifer
Lewis, Jenny
Lewis, Jerry
Lewis, Jerry Lee
Lewis, Juliette
Lewis, Mel
Lewis, Monica
Lewis, Phill
Lewis, Ralph
Lewis, Richard
Lewis, Robert
Lewis, Ronald
Lewis, Shari
Lewis, Sheldon
Lewis, Thyme
Lewis, Vicki
Lhermitte, Thierry
Li, Bruce
Li, Gong
Li, Jet
Liapis, Peter
Libby, Brian
Libby, Fred
Libertini, Richard
Liberty, Richard
Lieber, Paul
Liebman, Michael
Liensol, Robert
Lightstone, Marilyn
Ligon, Tom
Lillard, Matthew
Lillie, Beatrice
Lima, Luis
Lin, Brigitte
Lin, Jimmy
Lin, Lucy
Lincoln, Abbey
Lincoln, Andrew
Lincoln, Lar Park
Lind, Traci
Lindblom, Gunnel
Linden, Eric
Linden, Hal
Linden, Jennie
Lindfors, Viveca
Lindinger, Natacha
Lindley, Audra
Lindner, Carl Michael
Lindo, Delroy
Lindsay, Delia
Lindsay, Helen
Lindsay, Margaret
Lindsay, Robert
Lindsey, Elizabeth
Lindsey, Joseph
Lindsley, Blake
Lineback, Richard
Ling, Bai
Lingen, Theo
Linn, Rex
Linney, Laura
Lint, Derek De
Linville, Joanne
Linville, Larry
Linz, Alex D
Lion, Leon M
Liotta, Ray
Lipnicki, Jonathan
Lipscomb, Dennis
Lipscomb, Mance
Lipton, Peggy
Lipton, Robert
Lisi, Virna
Lissek, Leon
Lister, Moira
Liston, Sonny
Litel, John
Lithgow, John
Little, Cleavon
Little, Kim
Little, Nicolette
Little, Rich
Littlefield, Lucien
Littman, Robert
Liu, Ernest
Liu, Gordon
Lively, Ernie
Lively, Jason
Lively, Robyn
Livesey, Roger
Livesey, Sam
Livingston, Barry
Livingston, John
Livingston, Paul
Livingston, Ron
Ljung, Cecilia
Llewellyn, Robert
Llewelyn, Desmond
Lloyd, Bernard
Lloyd, Caleb
Lloyd, Christopher
Lloyd, Doris
Lloyd, Emily
Lloyd, Eric
Lloyd, George
Lloyd, Harold
Lloyd, Jake
Lloyd, Kathleen
Lloyd, Norman
Lloyd, Robert
Lloyd, Samuel
Lo, Money
Loaf, Meat
Loc, Tone
Loc, Tone
Locane, Amy
Lochary, David
Locke, Nancy
Locke, Sondra
Lockhart, Anne
Lockhart, Calvin
Lockhart, Gene
Lockhart, June
Locklear, Heather
Locklin, Loryn
Lockwood, Gary
Lockwood, Margaret
Loder, John
Loder, Kurt
Lodge, David
Lodge, John
Lodoe, Tenzin
Lofgren, Nils
Loft, Arthur
Lofton, Cirroc
Logan, Bellina
Logan, Paul
Logan, Phyllis
Logan, Robert
Loggia, Robert
Loggins, Kenny
Logue, Donal
Lohan, Lindsay
Lohman, Alison
Lohr, Marie
Lollobrigida, Gina
Lom, Herbert
Lomax, David S
Lombard, Carole
Lombard, Karina
Lombard, Louise
Lombard, Michael
Lommel, Ulli
Loncar, Beba
Londez, Guilaine
London, Alexandra
London, Jason
London, Jeremy
London, Julie
London, Tom
Lone, John
Long, Howie
Long, Jodi
Long, Kathy
Long, Lotus
Long, Nia
Long, Richard
Long, Shelley
Long, Walter
Longden, John
Longdon, Terence
Longis, Anthony De
Longley, Victoria
Longo, Tony
Longstreth, Emily
Lonsdale, Michael
Lonsdale, Michel
Loo, Richard
Loomis, Deborah
Loomis, Rod
Loong, Chen Tien
Loos, Theodor
Lopert, Tanya
Lopez, Carmen
Lopez, Jennifer
Lopez, Jorge Rivera
Lopez, Mario
Lopez, Perry
Lopez, Sal
Lorch, Theodore
Lord, Jack
Lord, Marjorie
Lords, Traci
Loren, Donna
Loren, Sophia
Lorenzo, Michael De
Loring, Eugene
Lorit, Jean Pierre
Lorne, Marion
Lorre, Peter
Lorring, Joan
Lorys, Diana
Lottimer, Eb
Loudon, Dorothy
Louganis, Greg
Loughery, Jackie
Loughlin, Lori
Loughlin, Terry
Loughran, Susan
Louie, Bill
Louis, Justin
Louis, Willard
Louise, Anita
Louise, Tina
Lounibos, Tim
Love, Bessie
Love, Courtney
Love, David
Love, Faizon
Love, Lucretia
Love, Montagu
Love, Mother
Love, Suzanna
Love, Victor
Loveday, Denise
Lovejoy, Alec
Lovejoy, Frank
Lovelace, Laura
Lovell, Jacqueline
Lover, Ed
Lovett, Lyle
Lovett, Norman
Lovitz, Jon
Lovsky, Celia
Lowe, Arthur
Lowe, Chad
Lowe, Edmund
Lowe, Rob
Lowell, Carey
Lowens, Curt
Lowery, Andrew
Lowery, Robert
Lowry, Jennifer
Lowry, Lynn
Lowry, Morton
Loy, Myrna
Loya, Javier
Lozano, Margarita
Lu, Lisa
Lucas, Lisa
Lucas, Wilfred
Lucci, Susan
Luchetti, Veriano
Luchini, Fabrice
Luckinbill, Laurence
Lucking, William
Ludwig, Christa
Ludwig, Pamela
Luez, Laurette
Lugosi, Bela
Lui, Ray
Luise, Dom De
Luisi, James
Lukas, Paul
Lukats, Nick
Luke, Keye
Lukhang, Gyatso
Lum, Benjamin Ws
Lumbly, Carl
Lumet, Jenny
Lumley, Joanna
Luna, Barbara
Lunch, Lydia
Lund, Art
Lund, Deanna
Lund, John
Lund, Jordan
Lund, Lucille
Lundgren, Dolph
Lundigan, William
Lundquist, Steve
Lundy, Jessica
Lung, Chan
Lung, Sihung
Lung, Ti
Lunghi, Cherie
Lunt, Alfred
Lupien, Tabitha
Lupino, Ida
Lupone, Patti
Luppi, Federico
Lupus, Peter
Lurie, Evan
Lurie, John
Lustig, Aaron
Lutes, Eric
Lutz, Linda
Lutz, Mark
Luv, Freez
Luyben, Kate
Luz, Franc
Lyden, Pierce
Lykins, Ray
Lyman, Dorothy
Lyman, Will
Lynch, Alfred
Lynch, Barry
Lynch, David
Lynch, Jack
Lynch, Jimmy
Lynch, John
Lynch, John Carroll
Lynch, Kate
Lynch, Kelly
Lynch, Ken
Lynch, Richard
Lynch, Susan
Lynde, Paul
Lyndhurst, Nicholas
Lynley, Carol
Lynn, Amy
Lynn, Diana
Lynn, Jeffrey
Lynn, Loretta
Lynn, Theresa
Lynne, Jeff
Lynskey, Melanie
Lyon, Ben
Lyon, Sue
Lyonne, Natasha
Lyons, Cliff
Lyons, Phyllis
Lyons, Robert F
Lyte, Mc
Religion & Spirituality
Schildkraut, Joseph
Silent Films
Special Interests
Torrence, Ernest
Varconi, Victor
0.5 pounds
5.4 x 7.6 x 0.9 inches
Amazon prices:
With this silent-era spectacle, Cecil B. DeMille cemented his reputation as the master of the biblical epic. DeMille tells the story of Christ's life and Passion with great attention to historical accuracy, along the way paying homage to the religious illustrations of Da Vinci and Doré, and, in a modern flourish, restaging Christ's resurrection in luminous Technicolor. In time for Christmas, Criterion will present fully restored editions of both versions of this glorious spectacle in a heavenly two-disc set: the original 155-minute silent version from 1927 - never before available on home video - and the 1931 release, re-cut by DeMille to 112 minutes. The DVD edition will also include new Dolby Digital 5.1 scores by composers Donald Sosin (1927 version) and Timothy J. Tikker (1931 version); the original score for the 1931 release by Hugo Riesenfeld; behind-the-scenes footage from the making of the film; cast portraits, production and costume sketches, a stills gallery of production photos and promotional material; the original illustrated program and press book featuring photographs from the film's gala premiere; and more.