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Gerhard Richter : Gerhard Richter: Sindbad

Author: Gerhard Richter
Title: Gerhard Richter: Sindbad
Moochable copies: No copies available
Published in: German (Germany)
Binding: Hardcover
Pages: 116
Date: 2011-03-31
ISBN: 3865608191
Publisher: Walther König, Köln
Weight: 3.13 pounds
Size: 0.0 x 0.0 x 0.0 inches
Edition: Limited edition
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Description: Product Description
Since publishing War Cut in 2004, Gerhard Richter has made an increasing number of artist's books, produced autonomously from his ostensibly more conventional exhibition catalogues. Sindbad is the title of a series of 98 lacquer pictures made in 2008, painted on the back of 12 x 10-inch panes of glass. For their first public exhibition, Richter paired them as 49 diptychs, which resembled 49 book-page spreads, pointing towards the possible ideal incarnation of these works as a large-format artist's book. Using silkscreen printing, this volume reproduces all 98 of the pictures at their original dimensions. Seven texts, on the theme of Sindbad the Sailor (in German only), are interleaved with these magnificent images, and a bellyband around the book offers a concise introduction to the work. Please note that only limited copies of this title are available.
large book cover