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Krystalyn Drown : Tracy Tam: Santa Command

Author: Krystalyn Drown
Title: Tracy Tam: Santa Command
Moochable copies: No copies available
Published in: English
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 300
Date: 2014-10-21
ISBN: 1939765803
Publisher: Month9Books, LLC
Weight: 0.25 pounds
Size: 8.0 x 5.0 x 0.5 inches
Description: Product Description
Tracy Tam doesn't really believe in Santa Claus, at least not like the rest of us do. She also doesn't believe that Santa can possibly deliver all of those presents in one night, to children around the world, without a little help from science. A flying sleigh can only be powered by jet engines, after all, and Santa’s magical abilities can only be the result of altered DNA. How else could he know what every little girl and boy wants for Christmas and who has been naughty or nice? In order to test her theories, Tracy sneaks onto Santa’s sleigh then ends up at Santa Command, where a team of (gasp!) humans monitor Santa’s big night. When Tracy attempts to hack into their computers, she accidentally introduces a virus into the system. As a result, three states get knocked out of sync with the rest of the world (oops!). Santa won't be able to deliver all the presents in time! Now, Tracy must fix time and help Santa, but she has no idea how. How can a girl who doesn't believe help Santa and save Christmas before it's too late? With a little Christmas magic, of course!
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