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Linda Bird : Look Gorgeous Always (52 Brilliant Ideas)

Author: Linda Bird
Title: Look Gorgeous Always (52 Brilliant Ideas)
Moochable copies: No copies available
Published in: English
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 284
Date: 2006-11-22
ISBN: 1904902634
Publisher: Infinite Ideas
Weight: 1.19 pounds
Size: 6.69 x 8.11 x 0.87 inches
Edition: 2nd
Amazon prices:
2redheadgrrl (USA: UT), Helena (United Kingdom).
Description: Product Description
Look gorgeous always is the best-selling guide to looking beautiful all the time, whatever your shape, size and personal style. With insider secrets from thew worlds of health and beauty techniques, products and treatments, we reveal how every woman can unlock her own 'From getting aroused more fully to finding your own trigger sexual positions Orgasms! is perfect for those wanting to explore their sexuality, body and libido and get the most out of their sex life. With practical advice and solutions for real women to implement into their daily lives, this book may be all you need to help you let go! From relationship tips on how to point your lover in the right direction to the latest on rubbing lotions, sex tablets and potions, Orgasms! will inspire the romantic and the sexually adventurous alike in an informative, accessible and fun way 'wow' factor and feel confident and gorgeous - every day, everywhere, every way. We show how a sparkle of vitality, a dash of confidence, a savvy wardrobe and a few great make up and grooming tricks can work wonders, plus some insider tips and tricks to help you fake it like a pro!
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