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David Ransom : The No-Nonsense Guide to Fair Trade (No-Nonsense Guides)

Author: David Ransom
Title: The No-Nonsense Guide to Fair Trade (No-Nonsense Guides)
Moochable copies: No copies available
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Published in: English
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 144
Date: 2001-05
ISBN: 1859843344
Publisher: Verso
Weight: 0.3 pounds
Size: 4.35 x 7.08 x 0.45 inches
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Previous givers: 3 Sarah (United Kingdom), sourfacedbadger (United Kingdom), Julieanne Porter (United Kingdom)
Previous moochers: 3 Sorchah (USA: IL), mdblibrary (USA: IL), emma (United Kingdom)
3essbee87 (USA: CA), TB (USA: MI), Eric Ward (USA: NY).
Description: Product Description
The uproar at the World Trade Organization conference in Seattle focused attention on the conflict between the mainly western-owned global corporations and the poorer nations whose natural resources and cheap manpower sustain corporate profits, and who are also the unwilling purchasers of overpriced and inappropriate goods. In this book David Ransom vividly reveals the realities of trade as experienced by coffee-growers in Central America or the workers making jeans in Bangladesh sweatshops. He examines the roles played by the WTO, UNCTAD, ILO, IMF, G7, and other powerful organizations hiding behind bland initials. Even when their motives are benevolent, he argues, their activities are often inadequate and misguided. About the No-Nonsense Guides: Major issues facing the world today, complex as they are, are further obfuscatedoften deliberatelyby political and corporate jargon and media spin. By contrast, New Internationalist Magazine has been a leading source of reliable information and clear analysis for the last twenty years. This new Verso series of No-Nonsense Guides, published in conjunction with New Internationalist, cuts through the confusion to present the facts and arguments concerning contemporary global issues as accessibly as possible. Concise, comprehensive, and affordable, the No-Nonsense Guides will be of interest to busy people, from school age on, who want to know how the world works.
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