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Genevieve Behrend : The Wisdom of Genevieve Behrend: Your Invisible Power, Attaining Your Desires

Author: Genevieve Behrend
Title: The Wisdom of Genevieve Behrend: Your Invisible Power, Attaining Your Desires
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Published in: English
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 128
Date: 2008-03-23
ISBN: 1604592877
Publisher: Wilder Publications
Weight: 0.4 pounds
Size: 0.28 x 5.98 x 9.02 inches
2Orsina922 (USA: CA), Agnes (Singapore).
Description: Product Description
Collected here in one edition are both of Genevieve Behrend's wonderful books. In Your Invisible Power and How to Use It, Genevieve Behrend will guide you through the use of visualization, teaching you how to manifest the things in life that you want by visualizing them and making them come to you. This power of positive thinking has revolutionized how we look at the world. Everything you need to succeed is inside you and this book will help you unlock it. A practical guide to manifesting The Law of Attraction in your life. Genevieve Behrend was Thomas Troward's only pupil and was very well versed in the Law of Attraction and in the power of positive thinking. Attaining Your Desires is a simple guide to using the Law of Attraction in your everyday life. Chapters include How to Get What You Want, How to Overcome Adverse Conditions, Strengthening Your Will, and Making Your Subjective Mind Work for You. Long out of print, this landmark book is now once again available in its original, intended form.
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