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JenniferB (Canada) (2011/06/14): First, I must say that I’m not a single woman who is waiting for her future husband. I’ve been married for almost ten years now, but I am the mother of four little girls so far, and we’ve already started praying for their future husbands.Praying for Your Future Husband is written by two Christian novelists who not only have hearts for God, but who share their own experiences waiting and praying for their husbands AND as mothers of children who have waited and prayed for spouses of their own. Along with the testimonies of these two families there are also stories of God’s goodness in answering the faithful prayers of waiting young women who prayed for their unknown husbands with bold determination. I have to admit that I cried…several times as I read these beautiful, God-redeemed accounts from the heart. Broken into thirteen chapters that focus in upon one specific topic and area of growth to pray for, Tricia Goyer and Robin Jones Gunn share their own stories alongside specific ways to pray for both a future husband AND for the personal character development of the young woman who is praying. Using this double-pronged approach the authors gently encourage women to grow in the ways that they hope their own future spouses will be growing as they both prepare and wait for marriage. Goyer and Gunn have very different stories that led to their marriage to the men God had for them, both are honest and transparent about where they fell short as young women, and how God led them through difficult times while they were waiting for The One. Goyer in particular has a heart for young women who have made mistakes and given away parts of themselves before finding their future husband. She shares honestly (but not graphically) about her own abortion, out-of-wedlock child, and the Godly man who came to love them both. I am so thankful for Goyer’s truthful sharing and ministry to young women. The hope that she has to offer women who have made mistakes and now want to commit their ways to the Lord is priceless. The authors have a strong, Godly emphasis upon purity, patience, putting God’s will first, being content during waiting, and many other topics. They start from the foundational issues – praying that the future husband will come to know God, to seek after Him, to love Him, and then moving into other areas that build upon the foundation of knowing and loving God. The chapters focus on: his heart, being a God Lover, patience, understanding, trust, loyalty and faithfulness, strength, protection, intimacy, “The List” (which by the way is much more about character than it is about external details), contentment and commitment. A list of 52 specific scriptures (one for each week) is also provided for young women who seek to pray the Word of God for their future husband. We are a courtship-minded family, and though the authors speak in terms of dating, they do strongly encourage young men and women to save everything for their future spouse. I have been so blessed by reading this book, and I highly, highly recommend you obtain a copy. If you have a daughter it isn’t too early to get this book and start praying for her future spouse today. If your is in her teens, this is an excellent book to read together as your family joins in praying together for the one who will some day become your child’s life mate. Reviewed at