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Benedict J. Groeschel : There are No Accidents: In All Things Trust in God

Author: Benedict J. Groeschel
Title: There are No Accidents: In All Things Trust in God
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Published in: English
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 124
Date: 2004-05-17
ISBN: 1592761208
Publisher: Our Sunday Visitor (IN)
Latest: 2020/10/21
Weight: 0.3 pounds
Size: 5.12 x 0.28 x 8.07 inches
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Description: Product Description
After the impact of the car shattered his body on the evening of January 11, 2004, …

… the hospital trauma-unit staff offered little hope that Father Benedict Groeschel, C.F.R., would survive.

Then the news spread. And the prayers began.

"Apparently, by a medical miracle, I am still alive — having really been considered dead. One can’t miss the conclusion that when this happens, God still wants you here. … I don’t know what God has in store for me, nor do you know what He has in store for you; yet a conviction that must guide us both is ‘Your will be done.’ "

Now Father Benedict reflects on the good that has come — and continues to come — from that horrific accident. And, responding to questions posed by noted British journalist John Bishop in an interview before the accident, he reflects on:

• Founding the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal

• Spending time in jail for civil disobedience outside an abortion clinic

• Recognizing where God is when suffering intensifies and evil prospers

• Understanding Christ’s feeling of abandonment on the cross

• Discovering and living one’s vocation

• Loving the poor wholeheartedly

• Being "gently scolded" by Mother Teresa of Calcutta

• And more.

"I want to share with you two principles upon which I have built my life. The first is from St. Augustine: ‘God does not cause evil, but that evil should not become the worst.’ Second: ‘There are no accidents. Evil things occur because of bad will or stupidity or fatigue, yet whatever the cause God will bring good out of it if we let Him.’ "

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