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Stephen Arterburn : The Secrets Men Keep: How Men Make Life & Love Tougher Than It Has to Be

Author: Stephen Arterburn
Title: The Secrets Men Keep: How Men Make Life & Love Tougher Than It Has to Be
Moochable copies: No copies available
Published in: English
Binding: Hardcover
Pages: 224
Date: 2006-10-01
ISBN: 1591454697
Publisher: Thomas Nelson
Weight: 1.05 pounds
Size: 6.22 x 1.06 x 9.09 inches
Edition: 1
Previous givers: 1 Molly (USA: IA)
Previous moochers: 1 maxine (USA: IN)
2DiligantReader (USA: FL), ReaderRabbit (USA: NC).
Description: Product Description
All the things that men think and feel-but don't dare to talk about-are explored in this book by the best-selling author of Every Man's Battle, Stephen Arterburn. Significance. Fears. Sex. Communication. Relationships. Work. Commitment. Intimacy. Expectations. Control. Failure. Nothing that drives men, according to a national survey, is left untouched within these pages. But men-and the women who love them-are not left without hope either. For women who long to understand their man better, and for men who aspire to build more successful lives, Arterburn not only delves into their private needs, aspirations, motivations and frustrations but gives perspective on where those secrets come from and how to respond to them . . . to make life and love easier on everyone.
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