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Devin Scillian : Westward Journeys (American Adventures)

Author: Devin Scillian
Title: Westward Journeys (American Adventures)
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Published in: English
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 96
Date: 2013-05-01
ISBN: 1585368601
Publisher: Sleeping Bear Press
Weight: 0.2 pounds
Size: 5.25 x 0.25 x 7.75 inches
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Description: Product Description
Westward Journeys contains three stories focusing on the American westward expansion, including the Oregon Trail and the Oklahoma Land Run. In Minnow and Rose, Rose and her family are traveling with a wagon train heading west on the Oregon Trail. When she encounters Minnow, a young native girl, their meeting has life-changing results for both cultures. The Oklahoma Land Run is the topic in Pappy's Handkerchief. When Moses and his family hear of free farmland out in Oklahoma, they head west to fulfill a lifelong dream of owning their own land. After a difficult wagon trip, they arrive at the staging point for the Oklahoma Land Run. In A Book for Black-Eyed Susan, Cora's family is faced with tragedy during their journey on the Oregon Trail. When Cora learns she is to be separated from her baby sister, she creates a memento of their journey together.
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