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Bo Fowler : Scepticism Inc.

Author: Bo Fowler
Title: Scepticism Inc.
Moochable copies: No copies available
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Published in: English
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 256
Date: 2000-03-16
ISBN: 1582340722
Publisher: Bloomsbury USA
Weight: 0.7 pounds
Size: 5.49 x 8.26 x 0.73 inches
Previous givers: 3 Tony (United Kingdom), Clare (USA: CA), judesmithey (USA: PA)
Previous moochers: 3 simonb (Austria), Jason Isolda (USA: NY), Scikitsch (USA: DE)
Description: Product Description
Edgar Malroy is the founder of a metaphysical betting shop. A weary atheist, Edgar challenges people to put their money where their mouths are about their faith. If someone really believes that the 16th reincarnation of the Dalai Lama is the one true incarnation, or that God is love, or that his grandfather's spirit lives in a tree, Edgar reasons he should be willing to bet money on it.
Edgar is right. The metaphysical betting shops become incredibly popular as people of all faiths rush to outdo each other. After placing a bet, the bettor is given a receipt verifying the bet and amount, and a button with a question mark, stamped "Who knows?" It's no wonder that Edgar goes on to become the richest man in the world.

As the competitive rage spreads, the betting shops indirectly cause a dangerous faith war, resulting in multiple popes, a beautiful messianic woman who claims to be God's messenger, and a technological meltdown with artificially intelligent home appliances. Meanwhile, there's an optimistic supermarket trolley climbing Mt. Everest, looking for God...
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