Product Description
Endorsed by the Editors of Prevention Health Books. This book replaces dieting with fat-burning-- with an easy-to-follow lifestyle plan that will work for the entire family-- and dozens of mouthwatering recipes that ensure you'll never miss the fat you're skipping. All based on the very latest worldwide research. With the Low-Fat Living program, you'll steadily burn more fat 24 hours a day. And you'll realize the health bonuses immediately. * Lower your blood pressure and reduce cholesterol levels * Reduce the chances of heart disease, stroke, diabetes and cancer * Have less fatigue and more energy Dr. Robert K. Cooper's remarkable new program reveals the simple elements of success. * Food so delicious, you'll never long for extra fat * Exercise so easy, you can chat while you're doing it * Ways to power up for fat-burning as easily as flicking a switch * The most efficient toning techniques ever discovered Review
Many health and fitness books offer once-over-lightly health evaluations, giving general information about getting your lifestyle in order and toning up your body a bit. Because all of these books work from the same universe of information--"Aerobic exercise gives you a stronger heart!" and "Resistance training builds muscle tone!"--the only real difference is in how clearly the authors explain the basics and how appealing they make the information. Low-Fat Living gets high marks on both counts. If you're in moderately good shape and try to watch your diet, you're not going to learn anything new here. But if you've let your health slide and you're starting to see the detrimental effects of doing so, this book is as good as any to help you get on the right track.