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Yuu Watase : Priestess (Fushigi Yugi: The Mysterious Play, Vol. 1)

Author: Yuu Watase
Title: Priestess (Fushigi Yugi: The Mysterious Play, Vol. 1)
Moochable copies: No copies available
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Published in: English
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 200
Date: 1999-10-06
ISBN: 1569314063
Publisher: VIZ Media LLC
Weight: 0.61 pounds
Size: 5.6 x 8.07 x 0.55 inches
Edition: 1
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3Leanne (United Kingdom), laya (Philippines), Leanne Catherine Stafford (United Kingdom).
Description: Product Description
When best friends Miaka and Yui open the pages of an ancient Chinese book, they are transported into the Universe of the Four Gods, a parallel world to ancient China. Now, to escape schoolwork and family problems, Miaka flees to the parallel world, only to find a lot more danger and romance than she bargained for. Review
The first installment in Watase's fantasy epic carries Miaka, a ditzy Japanese schoolgirl, to a fictionalized vision of ancient China. The Universe of the Four Gods, an enigmatic book she finds in the library, transports Miaka to another world, where she is hailed as the long-awaited Priestess of Suzaku, the tutelary deity of the Kingdom of Konan. By bringing together seven supernatural warriors, she can ensure the kingdom's safety--and obtain her heart's desire. Relations among the first three warriors take an odd turn as Miaka finds herself vying with the transvestite Noriko for the affections of the rakish martial artist Tamahome and the exquisite emperor, Hotohori. In contrast to the animated TV series, Watase places less emphasis on Miaka's friendship with the brilliant Yui and more on her relationship with her divorced mother. Although Miaka seems a little brighter in print than she does in the animated series, she remains a rather vacuous heroine. --Charles Solomon

Reviews: Kiri (USA: CA) (2008/09/04):
I also have volume #2 of this series and if possible I'd like to send them along together. These are in pristine condition. They also have a bookcrossing label in the front cover.

large book cover